Friday, August 19, 2016

Rutland Times Oakham Town Council terrible Advertisement Fun Day?

Rutland Times Oakham Town Council terrible Advertisement Fun Day?

This has to be the worse ever advert Oakham Town Council has ever
placed in the Rutland Times. It's not cheap to put these adverts in
this is a disgusting waste of advertising space.

I won't name the Councillor who I am told is responsible for this
in case I get beaten up or run over or worse.

This weekend Oakham Town Council is holding a fun day on
Sunday in Cutts Close.

Some Councillors have worked very hard to organise the event
the advert does not even mention the event.

It is looking like the weather is going to be a challenge

The ladies from the WI have been busy all week baking cakes
and others have also been working hard preparing for the day.

Is it asking to much for this dysfunctional council to give
the event proper publicity.

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor Cllrs Lowe and Haley, The Clerk
Malcolm Plumb and Cllr Joyce Lucas can waste time ensuring
defamatory posters about me in windows and notices boards around
the town but hardly any effort is put into promoting an event that
actually benefits the community.