Friday, September 09, 2016

Leicestershire Police Anti Corruption Unit Almost 3 Years On The Investigation Is complete Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council

Leicestershire Police Anti Corruption Unit Investigation Almost 3 Years On The Investigation Is complete Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council.

Today I received an email from the investigating officer who will be visiting me this week
to update me of the outcome.

From: ##############@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk>
Sent: 09 September 2016 12:38
To: 'Martin Brookes'
Subject: NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED:- Leicestershire Police

Mr Brookes

I wish to updates you regarding the current position regarding the complaints that you currently have registered with Leicestershire PSD.

These include the investigation (relating to a number of specific allegations with which you will be familiar) that I have submitted to the Appropriate Authority for review and a separate complaint that we agreed should be dealt with by local resolution (relating to the Localism Act) which I will seek your agreement with in respect of my findings and the action I propose.

I feel it would be easier if we met to discuss the matters in person; do you have any availability during the early part of next week?

Best regards

Detective Constable ###
Anti Corruption Unit
Professional Standards Department
Leicestershire Police
Force Headquarters
St. Johns
LE19 2BX

Mail to: ##########@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Switchboard: #######
Ext No.#####
Mobile: #####