Friday, September 09, 2016

Oakham Town Council Agenda 14th August 2016 Oakham Town Council Failing Comply With the Transparency Code

Oakham Town Council Agenda 14th August 2016

Dear Oakham Town Council,

Please could the council explain why next weeks agenda is not published on-line as required?

Can the council also explain why it does not currently have a web site to comply
the Transparency Code which was introduced as of 1st April 2015.

Our website is required so we can comply with the law and publish information
a few examples of that information:

All items of expenditure above £100
Full end of year accounts
Annual governance statements
Audit reports
List of councillor or member responsibilities
Location of public land and building assets

We are also required to publish the Agendas and Minutes.

It is appalling that as a member I have to visit the council notice board to photograph
the Agenda for next weeks meeting.

The law states a member of the council can request they are sent the summons electronically
Please can the council explain why they refuse to do this? The legal advise I have received
is the summons should be post or sent electronically at the request of a member.
This does not included the agenda. The agenda should be made available to members
and the public as soon as it is published on the council notice board. we have a legal right to request and inspect agendas and minutes at any time.
The Council spent thousands of pounds on a new printer copier and scanner so the publication
and sending of documents would be easier for staff. And also to make these easily accessible for members and the public. This purchases appears to been a total waste of money.

Please can the council tell me how I can exercise my legal right as a Councillor to see the
exempt minute which the assistant Clerk said members can only see at the discretion of the
Clerk. The Clerk does not have a legal power to exercise this discretion.

It has been brought to my attention that a number of basic emails have been sent to
members since the last meeting excluding me.

Please can the council explain why I am being excluded from council emails?

This week I had to ask for a copy of the draft minutes, depsite my polite request it would be fair to say the blank email I received with an attachment from the assistant Clerk is a continuation of  the ill mannered conduct I am experiencing from the staff and some members.
I am told the assistant Clerk sent emails to members today, once again I have been excluded
from those emails. Is this how the council is going to continue for the next three years.

Whilst on the subject of agenda

Can I point out the local government act does not permit the precept to be spent on one person
it is a requirement that the precept expenditure should benefit the whole parish.
So I hope the council will seek sponsorship for the prize to be given for the proposed Oakham
2017 Photographic Competition.
In the past the empowerment act was misused by the council after it was mislead by the
Mayor and the Clerk. The empowerment act can not over ride an existing law, it gives powers
to do things that the local government act does not cover providing it is lawful for anyone
else to to do.

I also note that there are two exempt items which have appendix to be tabled. Please can the
council explain how members are meant to read and digest these reports and make an informed
decision when these reports are handed out at the start of the agenda item. The meeting time
is meant to be a time for debating the matter at hand and not speed reading reports and then


Martin Brookes

OSE Cllr