Thursday, March 02, 2017

Another Email Sent By Rutland County Council to The Assistant Clerk Allison Greaves Hawksmead 106

Another Email Sent By Rutland County Council to The Assistant Clerk Allison Greaves Hawksmead  106

It is astonishing how many times Rutland County Council wrote to Oakham Town Council
telling them the money they sent was meant for Oakham Town Council.

for some reason all the emails and letters I have obtained via FOI from Rutland County
Council were not shared with all members of Oakham Town Council.

We sat in many meetings asking why Rutland County Council had not responded when
they had.

Was the Chairman Alf Dewis preventing the staff from sharing this information with
the council members, was he was attempting to get the payment sent to his partnership?

What is interesting is the Council officer states again Rutland County Council has
been in Consultation with Oakham Town Council for some time.
He may have consulted with a few members because of their membership of the
partnership. But none of them made Oakham Town Council aware of the consultations
which took place since 2014