Friday, September 22, 2017

Oakham Town Centre 2018 Consultation No Response From Oakham Town Council

Oakham Town Centre 2018 Consultation No Response From Oakham Town Council

Dear Michael

Pass to Clerk

Dear Allison,

Residents are asking me what the councils response was to the Town Centre 2018 Consultations.

A resident asked a question at our August meeting and received a reply stating the Neighbourhood 
Plan response had been sent as the Town Councils. Please can you provide me with a copy of this 

I have received a FOI response from RCC for copies of Communications between OTC and RCC
relating to the Town Centre 2018 project.

From the FOI reply I can see Cllr Haley was appointed by you to represent us at the stakeholders

RCC via the FOI say OTC has not responded to the consultation.

I was wondering why this important item was never brought to Council for consideration?


Martin Brookes

22 September 2017


Dear Sir/Madam
Your request for information has now been considered and the information requested is provided below.
Please can you provide me with copies of all correspondence Oakham Town Council
has sent you and all correspondence you have sent Oakham Town Council relating to the Oakham Town Centre 2018 consultation.
It is assumed that the request is referring to the 1st and 2nd stages of community engagement set out in RCC Cabinet report 19/2017 (Link below):

Emails relating to the first phase of consultation are attached and listed below:

  1. Email chain FW: Early Stakeholder Meeting to review concepts for Oakham Town Centre.
  2. Email chain RE: OTC Stakeholder Meeting 4 - tomorrow, 6pm
  3. Email chain Stakeholder Meeting
  4. Letter to stakeholders sent to OTC.
Please note that individual responses were requested to this phase of consultation rather than organisational responses.
The attached letter was sent to all stakeholders including Oakham Town Council regarding the second stage of consultation. No direct response was made by the Town Council. Individual Councillors may have responded.
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Yours faithfully
FOI Administrator
Corporate Support Team, Rutland County Council