Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Oakham Town Council Best UK Christmas Lights Provided By Lite Ltd For £17,000

Oakham Town Council Best UK Christmas Lights Provided By Lite Ltd For £17,000

I am pleased to see the Clerk has finally arranged for the lights in the market place to
be switched back on.

Cllr Michael Haley who is continually blind to the councils many failings wrote to
me this morning claiming I am not telling the truth when I point out the many failed lights.
I hope this video will help him see them.

The Council pays £17,000 for this disgraceful show of lights each year. I wonder
if he and the few other Councillors who can see no problem with the lights would
be so blind if the £17,000 was coming out of their own pocket.

Most people I know don't even earn £17,000 a year.

Cllr Haley then accuses me of denigrating the council. Cllr Haley and his very small team
of Bullies will not accept a councillors right to criticise and attempt to seek value for money
for our local tax payers. His attitude is as disgusting as the many thousands we waste each

Michael Haley
Yesterday, 18:19
Martin Brookes

Dear Cllr Brookes

It has been brought to my attention by a resident that you have blogged:

Its brighter than Oakham Town Councils Christmas lights, most of them are not
working this year. £17,000 well spent.

Just don't look up at the dreadful tatty £17,000 Christmas lights put up Oakham
Town Council, most are not working.

With reference to the lights not working, as you know this is not true.

You are a member of Oakham Town Council and I am disappointed that you appear to  continue to denigrate Council at every opportunity.


Cllr Michael Haley
Chairman Oakham Town Council