Showing posts with label 000. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 000. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Oakham Town Council has squandered £10,000 welcome back grant due to spending time constraint, Spending included £2500 Jet Washing Victoria Hall and other items including bunting for the Jubilee

Oakham Town Council has squandered £10,000 welcome back grant due to spending time constraint, Spending included £2500 Jet Washing Victoria Hall and other items including bunting for the Jubilee

Oakham town council received a £10,000 welcome back grant. 

They spent £2500 simply jet washing the front of Victoria Hall in the high street. £2500 seem a lot of money just to spray a building with water.

I asked a member of the council what the rest of the money had been spent on and they said bunting for the Jubilee and did not know how the rest of the money has been spent.

Bunting is something the council often buys and includes in its fictional budgets. It often costs more to put up and take down. around £1000 a year.

The finger of blame has been pointed at former councillor Andy Burton, who apparently was tasked with sorting out how the money could have been spent. He apparently did not get on with the task and the council nearly run out of time and would have lost the grant.

Why does Oakham Town Council not consult with the residents it is meant to represent?

Other council have spent the money on events enjoyed by residents and visitors a true welcome back to some sort of normality. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Weʼre raising £1,000 to help Pepper's- A Safe Place (our local mental health support hub). Oakham Rutland

Weʼre raising £1,000 to help Pepper's- A Safe Place (our local mental health support hub).


Steve & Ali, who are taking on a tough cycling challenge for the mental health charity Peppers, have so far raised £1200 🙌They are starting to feel it now & still have a long way to go! 

For journey updates or to give them some support


Steve says, My wife and I (58) will be cycling the 2034km National Cycle Route 1 from the Shetlands to Dover in order to raise money for local mental health organisation, Pepper’s- A Safe Place.

We retired from teaching last year and hope to complete the ride over a 3-week period starting on 1st August. The route follows the Eastern part of Scotland and England and is less well known than the Land’s End to John O’ Groats route which the pair have cycled previously. We will be camping for much of the route, but with the occasional night indoors if the weather is particularly wet.

The ride will be a particular challenge for Ali, who 18 months ago could not get out of bed unaided. A diagnosis of Anklyosing Spondylitus, inflammatory arthritis of the spine, led to her being put on medication and exercises that 18 months later mean she is much more mobile and more pain free.

We are so lucky to have Peppers in our local area, both in Melton Mowbray and Oakham. I know so many people now who are really suffering with their mental health. I think that a service that offers people such a lovely welcome and such great support can really help many people in our community. And that’s why we want to try and raise as much money as we can to support what they are doing.

Pepper’s- A Safe Place provides regular drop-in sessions for people to look after their mental health and re-connect with the community. They offer a friendly welcome, peer support, a chance to relax, have fun and meet others. They also offer a drop-in session for parents with young kids or babies and can support the community on a 1:1 basis through their Friendship Project. There’s never any shortage of tea, coffee, biscuits or welcoming volunteers.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Ricky Gervais slams rabbit farm plans that could see 30,000 slaughtered each year, T&S Rabbits, Rutland County Council Planning Application

Ricky Gervais slams rabbit farm plans that could see 30,000 slaughtered each year, T&S Rabbits, Rutland County Council Planning Application 

Campaigners including television star Ricky Gervais have signed a petition against plans to create a rabbit farm at Rutland Water.

The site at Lyndon Top Farm would house up to 250 does and breed 10,000 rabbits each year.

T&S Rabbits has proposed similar schemes at sites in Cornwall and Buckinghamshire

The Rutland Planning Application can be viewed here




Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Oakham Town Council Best UK Christmas Lights Provided By Lite Ltd For £17,000

Oakham Town Council Best UK Christmas Lights Provided By Lite Ltd For £17,000

I am pleased to see the Clerk has finally arranged for the lights in the market place to
be switched back on.

Cllr Michael Haley who is continually blind to the councils many failings wrote to
me this morning claiming I am not telling the truth when I point out the many failed lights.
I hope this video will help him see them.

The Council pays £17,000 for this disgraceful show of lights each year. I wonder
if he and the few other Councillors who can see no problem with the lights would
be so blind if the £17,000 was coming out of their own pocket.

Most people I know don't even earn £17,000 a year.

Cllr Haley then accuses me of denigrating the council. Cllr Haley and his very small team
of Bullies will not accept a councillors right to criticise and attempt to seek value for money
for our local tax payers. His attitude is as disgusting as the many thousands we waste each

Michael Haley
Yesterday, 18:19
Martin Brookes

Dear Cllr Brookes

It has been brought to my attention by a resident that you have blogged:

Its brighter than Oakham Town Councils Christmas lights, most of them are not
working this year. £17,000 well spent.

Just don't look up at the dreadful tatty £17,000 Christmas lights put up Oakham
Town Council, most are not working.

With reference to the lights not working, as you know this is not true.

You are a member of Oakham Town Council and I am disappointed that you appear to  continue to denigrate Council at every opportunity.


Cllr Michael Haley
Chairman Oakham Town Council

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Oakham Town Proposing to increase Council Tax by 7.75% despite holding unlawful reserves of £240,000

Oakham Town Proposing to increase Council Tax by 7.75% despite holding unlawful reserves of £240,000

I have written the following to Oakham Town Council

In its draft budget it is once again proposing to rip of the tax payers by demanding £15,000
for cemetery costs as it did this year and actually only paid Rutland County Council a third of
the demmand.

Dear Oakham Town Council 

I have read the proposed draft budget and can not agree to a proposed council tax increase of 7.75% 

I am shocked to read we have unexplained and possibly unlawful reserve of £240,000

In the past I have asked how much does the council hold in reserve? the former clerk has been recorded 
as saying £20,000 or more recently a working reserve of £60,000
I feel as if I have been lied to on more than one occasion.

The law requires us to explain to the auditor why we have this large amount of reserves.

From NALC  http://www.nalc.gov.uk/library/publications/803-governance-and-accounability-with-appendix/file

2.25 As councils have no legal powers to hold revenue reserves other than those for reasonable working capital needs or for specifically earmarked purposes, whenever a council’s year-end general reserve is significantly higher than the annual precept, an explanation should be provided to the auditor. 2.26 Earmarked reserves, which are set aside for specific purposes and for savings for future projects, should be realistic and approved by the council. However, the amount of general reserve should annually be risk assessed and approved by the council.

I am some what pleased I did not agree with last years budget.
There appears to have been some serious incompetence relating to the preparation of previous budgets.

The current budget 2016 - 2017 has many over spends and the chairman publicly blamed me for seeking 
funding of £6500 for the Citizens Advice. The former Clerk said this funding came out of reserves, so  it did not effect the budget in anyway.
I am astonished by the way the chairman continues to publicly conduct himself.
This also includes his recent emails in which he now claims a Grant Thornton Audit Report is not actually a Report ???

I am hoping the council will explain at next Wednesdays meeting, why we hold £240,000 revenue reserves which are not earmarked for reasonable working capital needs or for specifically earmarked purposes which we have no legal powers to do.


Martin Brookes Cllr OSE

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Oakham Police Station, £2 million building up for sale for only £750,000, The Great Tory Give Away, APB (Leicester) LLP

Oakham Police Station, £2 million building up for sale only £750,000, The Great Tory Give Away

It is rumored, Oakham School are no longer interested in acquiring the property to detain unruly students.

Some months ago I blogged over hearing a conversation outside the police station, a gentleman from Leicestershire Police was certain Oakham School were going to purchase the property once it was vacated by the police.

I raised the issue of the need for the property to be marketed on the open market.

It is good to see Leicestershire Police have decided to do so.

When you consider Rutland County Council has just built a bus waiting room for nearly £1 million, I can't help thinking this property is being sold of cheap?

The selling details say it is a former police station? I have always had my suspicions about some of those who are currently working in the police station.



Guide Price: £750,000

Total area: 707.33 sq.m (7,614 sq ft)
• Former Police Station and Premises
• Suitable for alternative uses STP
• Possible development opportunity
• Private car parking


15-17 Station Road, Oakham, Rutland,
LE15 6QT

Conditions under which these details are issued
These particulars are issued on the distinct understanding that all negotiations are conducted through APB. The property is offered subject to contract and it still being
available at the time of inquiry. No responsibility or liability can be accepted for any loss or expenses incurred in viewing, nor any injury. Any persons viewing should
exercise due diligence during the course of inspection. APB are unable to warrant that the property is free from hazards or complies with any current Health & Safety
legislation. APB for themselves and for the vendor/lessors/licensors of this property, whose agents they are, give notice that: (i) the particulars are sent out as a general
outline only for guidance of intending purchasers/lessees/licencees and do not constitute, nor constitute part of any offer or contract; (ii) all descriptions, dimensions are
approximate and given for guidance purposes only and all necessary permissions for use and occupation, including Town Planning, and information on Rating Assessments
and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending purchasers/lessees/licencees should not rely on them as statements or
representation of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; (iii) No person in the employment of APB has any
authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to this property; (iv) all information on the availability of mains services is based upon information
provided by the vendor/lessor/licensor and all statements regarding service installations, including apparatus and fixtures and fittings, do not warrant the condition or
serviceability of the items referred to as no tests have been carried out; (v) All prices and rentals quoted are exclusive of VAT (if applicable); (vi) APB will not be liable in
negligence or otherwise for any loss arising from the use of these particulars.

Charging Authority: Rutland County Council
Description: Police Station and Premises
Rateable Value: £43,500

It is understood that main services include gas, electricity, water
and drainage.

We understand that the property has an established use as a
Police Station and premises which is a Sui Generis use.

The property lies within a Conservation Area.


We understand that VAT is not payable.

An EPC will be made available to all parties. Energy Rating D.

Strictly by appointment through the sole agents, APB.

Contact: James Phillips or Will Shattock
 jmp@apbleicester.co.uk wjs@apbleicester.co.uk

15-17 Station Road, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6QT
Oakham is an attractive market town situated 18 miles east
of Leicester and 29 miles south-east of Nottingham. Oakham
is on the A606 road between Melton Mowbray (10 miles)
and Stamford (11 miles) with convenient access to the A47
and A1.

The property is located on the north side of Oakham
fronting Station Road, with the town centre and train station
within short walking distance.

The property is a modern two storey Police Station premises
of conventional cavity brick construction under a pitched
slate roof.

At ground floor level there is a reception leading to a series
of block partitioned offices. There are male and female
locker room and toilet facilities.

At first floor level there are further office and interview
rooms with staff canteen and fully fitted kitchen.

The property benefits from open roof space providing
extensive storage accommodation.

To the rear of the property there is a yard and garage space
providing ample car parking.

Please note that a new Police Station will be constructed on
part of the rear parking yard.

The property offers the following accommodation:

 Sq.m Sq.ft
Ground floor 459.13 4,942

First floor 248.20 2,672

Total NIA 707.33 7,614

All areas are quoted in accordance with the RICS Code of Measuring

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Rutland County Council Further Library Cuts, Oakham Staff Ask Town Council for £11,000

Rutland County Council Further Library Cuts, Oakham Staff Ask Town Council for £11,000

The last time Oakham Town Council received a letter similar to this one they decided not to
assist. Rutland County Council cut the opening hours.

I agree with the Town Council not supporting that request, the tax payer is already paying Rutland County Council for this service, why should they pay twice?

We are often told Rutland County Council is on top of its finances and there are no issues
so why the need for these cuts, the amount is so small compared to other expenditure.

I am sure Rutland  County Council will in the end destroy the library service, just like they have done
with the Adult Learning Service which they hope the private sector will sort out next year.

Currently they are proposing a budget of zero for all Adult Learning for next year.
Due to their failings this year they have created a deficit of over £200,000

And anyway the Town Council cant afford it needs to set aside its money for junkets and hanging
baskets £16,000 for baskets next year.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dukes Head Yard, Highgate Village, London N6 1 bedroom studio Garage in Highgate Village, £250,000, Winkworth

Dukes Head Yard, Highgate Village, London N6 1 bedroom studio Garage in Highgate Village, £250,000, Winkworth


Winkworth Highgate

36 Highgate High Street
N6 5JG

£250,000 Freehold

  • 0 Reception rooms
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • 0 Bathrooms

  • Ref No: HGT120464

    A freehold, self-contained commercial unit with office use. The property has been restored and upgraded, offering 224 sq. ft of space including a kitchenette and shower/WC. The property is also available to rent at £300 per week.

    Sunday, June 09, 2013

    Oakham Mayor, Adam Lowe, Oakham Town Council

    Oakham Mayor, Adam Lowe, Oakham Town Council, with
    Mrs Lowe.

    Saturday, May 11, 2013

    Rutland Council Staff Over Paid £83,000, Fear Intimidation leads to ineffective Councillors.

    In my view this is poor management and the boss should be sacked.

    Tesco sold out of this paper by lunch time yesterday. Stocks were replenished later that day.

    Public comment is highly critical and widespread  of a senior employee of Rutland County Council
    I dare not mention them for fear of arrest or being banned from using Oakham Library Computers.

    Yesterday I spoke to a County Councillor who is not a Tory and the response was I can not
    comment on anything any more I am scared of the actions that might be taken by Rutland County
    Council Officers or Leicestershire Police.

    It is my understanding that the role of a councillor is to question the Council on behalf of the
    community that have elected them.

    Since the questioning of a Rutland County County Councillor last week by Leicestershire Police
    fear is a major factor through out Rutland's Politics.

    How can this be stopped?

    I wonder if it is the Tories intentions to become a dictatorship led by a supreme governor of Rutland employed by the Council?

    Wednesday, May 08, 2013

    Oakham Post Office sub-postmaster sent to prison for the theft of £113,000, Arts 4 Rutland, Kendrew Barracks, Arts Council

    (This was not a Horizon case. This postmistress had taken money over a a period of time, she run more than one post office. When Auditors visited, she moved funds between branches in an attempt to cover her thefts over a number of years)

    Oakham Post Office sub-postmaster sent to prison for the theft of £113,000

    In court she said trading had been difficult since 2010. 

    Post Office Limited pays all the country's 9,000 sub-postmasters a minimum payment of £10,000 a year

    Additional Income is earned from bonuses and sales.

    (a local trader said they have sympathy for the manager, I wonder if they had £113,000 of their stock stolen they would hold the culprit in such high regard?)

    If trade was so poor I wonder why the family sponsored local charities such as Oakham In Bloom?
    The Chairman of Oakham in Bloom was reprimanded last year, She is also a Town Councillor and was the Chair of Oakham Carnival and after a committee row she disbanded the carnival and gave away thousands
    of pounds of public money. The Councils Solicitors said the Town Council was a fault for not attaching conditions to the money granted.

    It seems that most local groups are controlled by the same few people and large sums of public money
    float around with few checks around how it is spent. If you try to gain access to information they hide behind
    charity status.

    This week I published the minutes of a Arts 4 Rutland Committee meeting obtained and published in the public interest.

    Those minutes show how the Curve Leicester apparently supports their bid for an Arts Council grant, for
    an event to be held at Kendrew Barracks in 2014. It is suggest the Committee made up of the same old elite
    I hope the Arts Council do proper checks before granting any large amount of public money. Especially when the minutes also suggest the committee might like to hide some of the income from ticket sales.

    After publishing this post, I expect Leicestershire's Detective Sergeant Mc Donald to be reminded of his comment
    "you should not interfere in local politics"

    It seems to me Leicestershire Police needs some political training and keep their nose out of local politics.

    Politics is meant to be for all not just the rotten elite of this town and county.

    Thursday, November 29, 2012

    Oakham Town Council, £6,000, flower watering, contract

    Oakham Town Council, £6,000, flower watering, contract

    Last night Oakham Town Council awarded a contract to
    water and maintain next summers hanging baskets and floral displays.

    This has to be the largest amount ever paid to water and maintain
    over the short period the baskets are hung.

    Wednesday, September 12, 2012

    Vote every day and help Anna’s Hope Win a House worth £250,000 Persimmon Homes Charity Give Away.

    Vote every day and help Anna’s Hope Win a House worth £250,000

     Just two clicks a day is all we need to win this house!
    We are delighted to announce that Anna’s Hope has  reached the final of Persimmon Homes Charity Give Away. As part of Persimmon Homes 40th Birthday they will donate a brand new house worth £250,000 to the charity who gets the most votes.
    Over 3500 charities entered and we are down to the last 24. It  is  now open to the public on line vote so we need lots and lots of people voting for us.
    If we win then it will mean that we will  reach our £1million target. This will  fund the Anna’s Hope Therapy Team which will help set up and support  the First Rehabilitation Service in the UK for Children with Brain Tumours at Addenbroookes Hospital.
    PLEASE VOTE AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN. You can vote once everyday and voting ends on 20th September.  To vote simply click here
     Twitter, Facebook or email.  This is the link you need…

    Only one vote from your office per day counts so please use your computer at home or smart phone.

    Thank you for your help and thank you for helping  us  give hope and make a difference for children and young people with brain tumours.


    What can this charity do?
    Following further investigation with consultants and scientists, they have confirmed that much more could be done for children diagnosed with brain tumours, specifically in the area of research and aftercare. Therefore the aim of the trust will be to raise money to fund research into the cure of children with brain tumours and improve the rehabilitation facilities and support available to those children who are hopefully cured.
    Registered Charity No: 1116512. A leading children’s brain tumour charity

    Donate @ Justgiving


    Tuesday, May 31, 2011

    High Speed Broadband Rutland Government Refuses £2,000,000 Rutland County Council Grant Application

    High Speed Broadband Rutland, Government Refuses £2,000,000 Rutland County Council Grant Application

    It does not surprise me this application was turned down. This council can't see past its own snout.

    A member of the public asked me a simple question , I could not answer it because I had not attended the meeting. I asked Conservative Councillor and deputy leader Terry King the simple question.

    He refused to answer my simple question and proceeded to engage in a long series of emails personally attacking me. Just the sort of behaviour one would expect from a senior Rutland County Councillor?

    Because I was getting know where with Councillor Terry King I asked Rutland County Council the same question using FOI and received a response.

    You will notice the question was answered. I am also publishing Mr Kings the first two responses to my simple question.

    I question is Conservative Councillor Terry King fit to carry out his job as deputy leader of  Rutland County Council?

    Dear Mr. Brookes,

    The response from Rutland County Council to your recent Freedom of Information Act request is as follows:

    "During the presentation Councillor King did indeed advise that the company he referred to in his presentation was a company he was involved with and indeed used some anecdotal experienced from the business.

    Councillor Ellis (ex) was not present, but no reference was made to the fact that he was involved in the business, C.S. Ellis, specifically."

    If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request a review by writing to:-

    Monitoring Officer, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP
    Telephone: 01572 722577  e-mail: foi@rutland.gov.uk
    If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:-
    The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
    Telephone: 08456 30 60 60 or 01625 54 57 45 Website: www.ico.gov.uk
    There is no charge for making an appeal.

    Freedom of Information
    Rutland County Council
    Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP
    t: 01572 722577 | f: 01572 758457 | e: foi@rutland.gov.uk

    Councillor King's response to the same question. I hope readers will note the slight difference with his answer.

    To 'martinjbrookes@hotmail.com', Enquiries, 'alan.duncan.mp@parliament.uk', 'alex.oram@standardsforengland.gov.uk', 'alf@alfdewisconsultancy.co.uk', Barrie Roper, 'bonkers.hall@btinternet.com', 'duncana@parliament.uk', 'editor@citizenseye.org', 'enquiries@rutlandradio.co.uk', FOI, Geoffrey Pook, Helen Briggs, Jeff Dale, 'jduckham@rutland.gov.uk', Marc Oxley, 'alan@alanduncan.org.uk', Gene Plews, 'news@oakfm.co.uk', 'newsdesk@leicestermercury.co.uk', Nicholas Wainwright, Planning, Roger Begy, Richard Gale, 'rutland.editorial@jpress.co.uk', 'smeditor@stamfordmercury.co.uk', 'tcellis@rutland.gov.uk', 'simon.eyley@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk', 'leigh.foster@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk'
    � � �� � �� � �� � �� � �
    M Brookes
    I have in the past met people who have started a business with no more than a bucket and a borrowed ladder. You will not start one by wasting time on conspiracy chasing.
    T King 
    From: TKing@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk
    To: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com; enquiries@rutland.gov.uk; alan.duncan.mp@parliament.uk; alex.oram@standardsforengland.gov.uk; alf@alfdewisconsultancy.co.uk; BRoper@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; bonkers.hall@btinternet.com; duncana@parliament.uk; editor@citizenseye.org; enquiries@rutlandradio.co.uk; foi@rutland.gov.uk; GPook@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; HBriggs@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; JDale@rutland.gov.uk; jduckham@rutland.gov.uk; MOxley@rutland.gov.uk; alan@alanduncan.org.uk; GPlews@rutland.gov.uk; news@oakfm.co.uk; newsdesk@leicestermercury.co.uk; NWainwright@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; planning@rutland.gov.uk; RBegy@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; RGale@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; rutland.editorial@jpress.co.uk; smeditor@stamfordmercury.co.uk; tcellis@rutland.gov.uk; simon.eyley@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk; leigh.foster@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
    Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 14:45:25 +0100
    Subject: Re:

    M Brookes
    I am not suggesting that you take up hard work like window cleaning, I was only telling you I knew someone who had. If you produce a simple viable business plan i will help raise you capital by pledging some money, plus you may be eligible for Government Start Up support.
    Your energies will be better challenged into seeking self employment than wasting time on conspiracy theories.
    T King

    Cllr King later said he was not pledging me money just offering a loan. He sent a over a dozen e-mails I cant imagine the volume if I had asked a difficult question.