Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Oliver Hemsley Langham Conservative Councillor Elected Leader of Rutland County Council Speech Video Cllr Nick Begy Greetham Conservative Councillor Appointed Deputy Leader

Oliver Hemsley Langham Conservative Councillor Elected Leader of Rutland County Council Speech Video Cllr Nick Begy Greetham Conservative Councillor Appointed Deputy Leader

Oliver Hemsley Langham Conservative Councillor
Elected Leader of Rutland County Council

some snaps taken whilst the new leader gave his
acceptance speech.

Cllr Nick Begy appointed deputy leader of Rutland County Council

Cllr Richard Foster and Cllr Alan Walters Conservative Rutland County Council

Cllrs June Fox and James Lammie Conservative Rutland County Council

Cllrs June Fox and James Lammie Conservative Rutland County Council

Cllrs Rachael Burkitt and Richard Clifton Conservative Rutland County Council

Helen Briggs Chief Executive Conservative Rutland County Council

Kenneth Bool Chairman Conservative Rutland County Council