Saturday, April 14, 2018

Oakham Day Nursery Oakham Enterprise Park Closed Due to Ofsted Investigation.

Oakham Day Nursery Oakham Enterprise Park Closed Due to Ofsted Investigation.

Compliance action taken for childcare provision
Date: 27/03/2018
Summary of outcome
All early years providers must meet the legal requirements in the ‘Statutory
framework for the early years foundation stage’, which you can find at

On 12 March 2018 the provider notified us of an allegation of abuse had been
made against a member of their staff. The notification means that the
provider met their legal responsibility as set out in the early years foundation
stage welfare requirements to notify Ofsted of any allegations of abuse by
any person living, working or looking after children at the premises.
If we find that a provider is not meeting the requirements, we can take action
to ensure they put matters right. We have served a Welfare Requirements
Notice. This is a legal notice that requires the provider to take the actions
below within the timescales set out. The provider will be able to give parents
further information about this. The provider is still registered with Ofsted.
Actions needed
ensure you implement the relevant safeguarding procedure so that any
allegation of abuse is referred to the appropriate safeguarding agencies
without delay by 29 March 2018
ensure all staff working at the setting have an up to date knowledge of
safeguarding issues so that they can identify and respond to signs of abuse in
a timely and appropriate way by 29 March 2018
ensure that the details of any accidents and/or injuries to children in your
care are recorded and shared with the child’s parents or carers by 29
March 2018
maintain and share information (with parents and carers, other professionals
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working with the child, the police, social services and Ofsted) to ensure the
safe and efficient management of the setting by 29 March 2018
Publication of compliance action
We aim to ensure that the welfare of children and young people is protected
in the services we regulate. The Childcare Act 2006 and accompanying
regulations set out our responsibilities to regulate childminders and childcare
providers. This includes the enforcement powers we have in relation to those
registered providers who do not comply with the requirements for
We publish details of any actions we take, or the childminder or childcare
provider takes to bring about compliance with requirements on our website
for a period of five years commencing on the date we complete our
For further information please read the Early years compliance handbook
which can be found here at www.gov.uk/government/publications/earlyyears-provider-non-compliance-action-by-ofsted

The owner is not to happy that I am sharing a public report from the ofsted site
she claims the public report belongs to her.

From Laura Beaty

Hi Martin, I think this content is my intellectual property and it can't be used without my permission. Could you please reply to me about this or take it down? 