Saturday, May 11, 2019

Birmingham Savoyards "The Gilbert and Sullivan Story" in Gretton Gretton Village Hall 61 Kirby Road Gretton NN17 3DB

Birmingham Savoyards "The Gilbert and Sullivan Story" in Gretton

Saturday, May 11th

The Gilbert and Sullivan Story will be performed by The Birmingham Savoyards to raise funds to put on a varietyof more live entertainment at Gretton Village Hall.
There is also a licenced bar.
Tickets are now sale priced @ £8 obtainable from John Hindle telephone 01536 770580
Already there is considerable interest so please book well in advance to avoid dissapointment.

Price: £8

Gretton Village Hall
61 Kirby Road
NN17 3DB

The event runs from 7:00pm to 10:00pm