Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Oakham Town Council Cutts Close Play Area Neglect Oakham Rutland

Oakham Town Council Cutts Close Play Area Neglect Oakham Rutland

Oakham Town is well known for being a reactive council and a bit last minute dot.com

When I was a town councillor some parents contacted me about the poor condition of the children's
in Cutts Close Oakham.

Oakham Town Councils Clerk often ignored my emails and letters from those parents.

This week I received a complaint about the weeds and missing swings again. So I decided to
go and take some photographs of the neglected play area and publish them hoping the clerk will react and get the jobs sorted.

Recently after complaints were received, I spoke to the clerk about the condition of bins and bollards. She promptly arranged for them all to be cleaned and painted. If she actually got of her backside and inspected our play areas like the old clerk did, she would not need to be contacted and she would not need to lie to organisations like the police or Rutland County Council about me, because neither me or other residents would be bothering her about her constant failings.

Photographs below taken yesterday showing some of the neglect of Cutts Close.

I have also asked the council to fix the light next to the skate park which was working before the 'qualified electrician who is going to light up Oakham' the new Mayor Cllr Dave Romney worked on it.

Cllr Dave Romney fitted a timer to the flood light attached to the main post, this was not approved by full council and the main light has not worked since that installation.  I guess it will now take another two years to get that light fixed as was the case of the light further along the path.