Monday, December 16, 2019

The RSPCA #DogKind This Christmas and New Year WIN A DOGGY HAMPER BEING #DOGKIND From #Gaydio Radio

Be #DogKind

Developed by dog behaviour experts and based on new research, The RSPCA #DogKind campaign helps you better understand your dog's behaviour. Discover how to make your dog the happiest pooch on the block...

You love your dog and would do anything to make them happy. To your dog, you're the centre of their world and when you're away from them, they can find it incredibly difficult.

Many dogs simply don't know how to cope when their owner isn't at home. This is called separation related behaviour (or separation anxiety). Some dogs will bark or destroy things to show their feelings. While, others will simply sit there quietly, feeling worried.

Research suggests that 8 out of 10 dogs find it hard to cope when left alone, and worryingly half of these won't show any signs, which means you may not always know if there's a problem.

Is my dog struggling with being left alone?
There are several reasons that dogs find it difficult to cope when left alone. Some dogs will simply be looking for things to entertain themselves, while many will be very distressed when separated from their owner.  This can lead to feelings of anxiety.

Separation anxiety can be displayed in many ways, but as it usually only occurs when the owner is out and stops when they return, it often goes unnoticed. Especially when your dog may seem completely happy when you next see them.

If you feel unsure about whether your dog is experiencing separation related behaviour, don't worry - you're not alone!

To find out more please visit the RSPCA Site Click Here


Be #DogKind

We want to make sure no one leaves their dog on it’s own longer than normal this Christmas. And to help spread the message we need your support! There could even be a prize in it for you!

Developed by dog behaviour experts and based on new research, our #DogKind campaign helps you better understand your dog's behaviour. Discover how to make your dog the happiest pooch on the block...

You love your dog and would do anything to make them happy. To your dog, you're the centre of their world and when you're away from them, they can find it incredibly difficult.

Many dogs simply don't know how to cope when their owner isn't at home. This is called separation related behaviour (or separation anxiety). Some dogs will bark or destroy things to show their feelings. While, others will simply sit there quietly, feeling worried.

Luckily there are loads of things you can try at home, whether you think your dog is suffering or not, to help them feel happier when they're home alone. Find out more today.

Head over to Facebook, Twitter or Insta, and post a pic of your dog loving life in the run up to Christmas and tell us how you’re being #DogKind!

You can choose any Photo of your dog*, and tell us something as simple as "I wont be leaving him on his own"

You NEED to use #DogKind for it to count, and make sure your posts are set to public otherwise we won't be able to see them!

To make sure we do see them Maybe tag Gaydio into them as well!

What can I win?

You could be in with a chance of winning a pooch hamper!
The 15 piece hamper includes a dog bed, dog toy, food, cooling mat, grooming brush, and best of all a Furbo camera to help keep an eye on your dog when you’re out.

A winner will be drawn at random from posts uploaded on, or between 9th December 2019 - 22nd December 2019.


We can’t wait to see pictures of your pooches for our giveaway! We want our winning pics to depict animals that are as happy, healthy and safe as can be, so please take a look at our handy competition guidelines for the happiest pups before sharing them.

In the photo, your pet should be:
●    Happy and relaxed
●    Performing natural behaviour
●    Comfortable when interacting with people and other animals
●    Looking healthy (eyes, nose, coat condition, weight, etc)
●    In a safe and suitable environment

And finally, please don’t dress your pet up - unless the clothing is for their benefit e.g. to keep them warm. That means no fancy dress!