Saturday, October 24, 2020

Oakham Town Council Chargemaster Electric Car Charging Point To Be Finally Reviewed By Oakham Town Council.

(Some people who enjoy free electricity alos leave their 
cars charging over night, I assume this is to avoid Rutland
County Councils Parking Fee.)

(according to one car magazine this August they suggest  Tesla Model S costs around £30
to fully charge from a public point that they have to pay to charge and around £20 at home 
although there are some special tariffs that can reduce the cost, I wonder if Oakham Town
Council could be receiving a lower tariff for this point once they finally get this sorted out) 

Oakham Town Council Electric Car Charging Point To Be Finally Reviewed By Oakham Town Council.

Nearly two years ago Oakham Mayor Dave Romney said he would look into the issue of the Electric Car Charging Point here in Oakham.

A few residents in Oakham have been very happy with other local tax payers paying to charge their electric cars. 

The cost to tax Oakham tax payer has been very high. 'A very conservative estimate £5600' according to Oakham Mayor Dave Romney. 

When I was a member of the council I raised this cost and proposed the charging point was turned off until it was sorted out. 

The council voted to leave it switched on, mainly because it was my proposal. That is what happened when stupid bullies like Alf Dewis, Adam Lowe and Michael Haley run the council. 

Personally I think they should be all be surcharged for the for the unlawfully expenditure. 

The law regarding parish councils precept money is very clear, it should not be spent in anyway that it benefits any individual. It must be spent to benefit the whole community.  I don't see how any of them can prove that paying to charge a privately owned electric car benefits the community of Oakham.

I think the Uppingham Town Councillor who often uses the charging point because it is free, should make a goodwill payment to Oakham Town Council.

Oakham Mayor Dave Romney has given no reason why this has matter has taken so long for him to bring before the council. I am pleased he has finally kept his promise he made to me when he was first appointed Mayor nearly two years ago. 

He makes a conservative estimate that nearly £6,000 of electricity has been given away for free. Alsso In his report to council he mentions Chargemasters lack of communication with the council and one of his proposals is to switch off the point, lets hope the members of the council vote to turn it off or perhaps we can all take our rechargeable devices to the car owners points and they can pay for our electricity used.

Cllr Dave Romney's Proposals for Wednesday's Meeting.


• Council asks the Clerk to write to Chargemaster asking them to contact the Council within

two weeks or the points will be turned off

• Council asks the Clerk to obtain a full refund from Chargemaster for costs incurred

• Council askes the Clerk to contact Pod Point for more information.

• Council forms a working group to investigate our own scheme