Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Rutland County Council Deputy Leader Cllr Gordon Brown has announced that he is planning to step down from Cabinet and the role of Deputy Leader for health reasons.

Such a shame, most deputy leaders of Rutland County Council I have known have been utterly vile and this one even though he is a Tory was nice.

Above Ketton Councillor Gordon Brown Newly Elected 2017

Gordon Brown Elected Conservative 459 Votes

Kenneth Siddle Liberal Democrat 208 Votes

Total Votes Cast 669

Turnout 29.92%

Only last week he was on BBC Radio Leicester apologising for the council losing over £100,000 of developers contributions. 

Rutland County Councils Statement:

Rutland County Council Deputy Leader Cllr Gordon Brown has today (Monday 25 January 2021) announced that he is planning to step down from Cabinet and the role of Deputy Leader for health reasons. 

Cllr Oliver Hemsley, Leader of Rutland County Council, comments: “It is with regret that Cllr Brown has taken this decision, but his health must take precedence. He is a highly committed councillor who has achieved a significant amount for Rutland. He is held in the highest regard for his hard work and dedication and in the warmest of affection by members and officers alike.” 

Cllr Brown joined Cabinet in 2017 and held the role of Portfolio Holder for Planning and Finance. He will be continuing as a councillor, representing the Ketton Ward. 

Cllr Hemsley will be taking over responsibility for the Council’s Planning Portfolio and Cllr Karen Payne will be joining Cabinet from 24 February. Details as to which Councillors will be appointed Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance will be announced in due course.

Cllr Hemsley continues: “We will be welcoming Cllr Payne to Cabinet and look forward to Cllr Brown’s continued involvement in Council business through membership of a number of the Council’s Committees.

“I would like to add my personal thanks to Gordon for his dedication and support as my Deputy he has ensured that Rutland is respected at the highest levels of surrounding authorities and Government.”