Saturday, February 06, 2021

Christopher Plummer R. I. P. Captain von Trapp The Sound Of Music 1966 Rutland County Museum 2016

Christopher Plummer R. I. P. Captain von Trapp The Sound Of Music 1966

Summer 2016 Rutland County Museum put on a small exhibition for 1966 a good year I was born!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

1966 and All That Rutland County Museum Oakham Rutland Football Fashion Politics and Pop

1966 and All That Rutland County Museum Oakham Rutland

Rutland County Museum is celebrating 50 years since England won the
world with a very interesting and varied exhibition of the 1960's

2001: a space odyssey poster

There is a display about local cinema from the 60's

Bachelor Boy Cliff Richard and the Shadows Summer Holiday

Tory Council Birmingham defy rent 'freeze Sunday Mirror
and dodgy police.

Books from the 1960's

Carry on Screaming Film Poster

Corgi Toys 

County Cinema Oakham Rutland, Kia-Ora

A 1960's dress

Empire Stadium Wembley World Cup Tickets

England World Cup Winner 1966

Family Circle Magazine

Francie and Casey Dolls

Georgy Girl

Prime Minster Harold Wilson 1966 Election


Ten Classic Dishes and Home Cooking with Fanny Cradock 
BBC TV a BBC Publication.


Mouse Trap Game from Ideal

Petrol Ration Vouchers 


Sindy Doll

Sindy Doll and Boyfriend Paul

The TV That's Really Portable Sony research makes the difference

Sunday Mirror Golden Boys!

1960's Televisions 

Prime Minister Harold Wilson with the Beatles 

The Kinks Oakham's Big Pop Flop

The Sound of Music 

Tom Courtenay, Billy Liar, and Julie Christie 

West Road Oakham Rutland 1960's 

With the Beatles

1960's Builder Wolds Building Co. Ltd

World Cup Willy

1966 and All That Rutland County Museum Oakham Rutland Football Fashion Politics and Pop
