Oakham Town Councils Astonishing Public Attack Against Conservative Rutland County Councillor Alan Walters on their Facebook Page.
If Cllr Alan Walters has said this in a briefing that was not public, (a private meeting) I would tend to agree with him.
What is very wrong here is a member of Oakham Town Council or its Clerk has used its official Facebook page to attack Cllr Allan Walters and the Conservatives.
The post not authorised by the town council makes a already unprofessional town look even more unprofessional
There are two facts very wrong in the Town Councils posts.
One. Town Councillors are not volunteers, the law is very clear about that, it clearly states Councillors are not volunteers, they are elected members elected to serve the community.
Two. The post says it provides limited services, it provides no services to the residents of Oakham,
It currently only pays a contractor around £20,000 a year to maintain three small parks
It pays another contractor a similar amount to put up and take down the Christmas Lights.
It does nothing else for the Town, but feels the need to pay a clerk and a assistant clerk.
Oakham Deputy Mayor Sally Anne Wadsworth and Cllr Adam Lowe are admins for the Facebook Page
Cllr Sally Anne Wadsworth has told me she is not responsible for the post.