Friday, February 05, 2021

Air Vice Marshall Nigel Sudborough Oakham Rutland R.I.P.

Air Vice Marshall Nigel Sudborough Oakham Rutland R.I.P.

Air Vice-Marshal (Retd) Nigel Sudborough who died suddenly, aged 72, in Uppingham at the weekend.

Nigel Sudborough held many positions including magistrate during his life. 

Here in Rutland he served as president of the Oakham branch of the Royal British Legion, organising fundraising events, as well as services and Remembrance Day parades. In 2018 he became one of the first deputy lord lieutenants of Rutland to be appointed by Dr Sarah Furness when she took the post of Lord Lieutenant of Rutland. 

Councillor Ian Razzell, Rutland County Council Armed Forces Champion, has paid the following tribute to Air Vice Marshall Nigel Sudborough.

Following the sad news about the passing of Nigel Sudborough, Rutland County Council wishes to recognise an extraordinary life of service and devotion to duty. 

A consummate professional, Nigel had a glittering military career in the Royal Air Force and was hugely passionate about all service personnel and their families. Beyond this, he also invested a significant amount of time in cadet organisations and was a firm supporter of the Lord-Lieutenant in Rutland for many years.

Hugely missed by so many, his Chairmanship of the Oakham branch of the Royal British Legion will be hard shoes to fill. Rutland feels the loss of a much respected resident and public servant.