Friday, February 05, 2021

Emma Wolfenden Oakham Attempted Murder Victim A Sadder Facebook Update from Charles Wolfenden

Emma Wolfenden Oakham Attempted Murder Victim  

A Sadder Facebook Update from Charles Wolfenden

Charles Wolfenden Facebook Update 

We have just heard from the hospital. Emma has taken a turn for the worst and has developed a very life threating illness in her lungs. 

They are going to try and treat her with drugs over the next week. 

We can only pray that the drugs work. 

Sadly what she has is extremely difficult to manage and the outlook now is not good. 

Let's pray and hope that the drugs work and save her life. 

I ask everyone to think, pray and do whatever you can to send love to her. 

She needs it more than ever. I'm sorry to have to break this news. 

Come on Emma!! 

You must beat this xx