Sunday, March 14, 2021

Oakham & Barleythorpe Neighbourhood Plan, Regulation Consultation, The 6-week Regulation 16 consultation period is, 12th March to 23rd April 2021

Oakham & Barleythorpe Neighbourhood Plan  Regulation Consultation, The 6-week Regulation 16 consultation period is: 12th March to 23rd April 2021

Rutland County Council is looking for comments from residents 

The draft plan and email address for comments can be found here:


My Comments have been sent. 

The document is a total embarrassment.

At first Oakham Town Council did not want a plan,  pressure from the Clifton family at the Town Meeting and the fact the town council would receive extra developers' contributions once completed, was the only thing that motivated former Cllr Alf Dewis to agree there was a need for a neighbourhood plan. When I asked previously for one and referred to Uppingham's already completed plan he said they will live to regret it.

Barleythorpe parish council did not want to work with Oakham Town Council and they have contributed very little. They were often absent from steering group meetings. They have not even contributed financially. 

It is shocking this 90-page document has cost Oakham tax payers over £20,000

Oakham Town Council refused to apply for initial grants, mainly because I was the only town councillor who attended any information event held at Rutland County Council, it was suggested the council should apply for grants before they started the plan as all the written guidance suggests. 

Oakham Town Council steering group ignored advice from one of Rutland County Councils officers, appointed to assist.

I also wonder why Oakham Ward County Councillors did not get involved and why neighbouring parish councils were not consulted many of them rely on Oakham the County Town. I understand some ward members are new so would so that comment would not be relevant to them.

Whilst I was a Town Councillor, I was blocked from making any contribution to the plan, by former Cllrs Alf Dewis and Michael Haley. Especially Michael Haley I attended one of the few public events in the council chamber and he asked me to leave as soon as I arrived. One of the few ladies involved told him to go away.

When former Cllr, Michael Haley chaired the steering group, he was removed from the group after the very few female contributors complained he was sexiest. We ended up with a steering group with no female members.

When I was finally appointed a member of the NP steering group, the current chairman under the instruction of Cllr Adam Lowe attended a council meeting and I was removed. Chairman Chris Clark later said he did not want me removed?

Forget for the moment I was a town councillor, as a resident I am extremely disappointed by the conduct of the NP steering group and the lack of interest from Council members from both Oakham and Barleythorpe Parish Councils. 

Oakham Town Council for many years was very happy not to receive reports regarding the progress of the plan and the Town Council has not given any input into the plan, rather odd when you consider they are meant to represent the residents of Oakham. Their conduct is the same as it often is, when anything is presented to them by RCC, the RCC local plan consultation is one example, we note it and will respond in our personal capacity. They don't work together for the benefit of residents. This is often shown in major planning responses. 

As for public input. only 29% of 5500 big surveys delivered to homes and business, were completed. less than a quarter of all Oakham households. There appears to be no figures available for how many big surveys were delivered to Barleythorpe.

There was very little advertising if any advertising, of course they will say we used the Rutland Times a paper with a tiny readership, so small the owners don't even publish the figure.

Some of the questions often asked during various public consultation were daft and those who did respond gave irrelevant answers such as 'we need a WH Smith a B&Q and we certainly need less charity shops' I could go on but I won't.

The section that states we have adequate public sports a recreation, is wrong in my opinion, the few places listed are private clubs. no mention of the two private clubs Oakham Town Council leases grounds to, are the Bowls and Tennis clubs.

I know the inadequate swimming pool is closed but that is not mentioned. You would think it would be when you consider that was also big news when the preparation of the plan started. 

The figures in the document are in my opinion dubious, one claim that 285,000 listeners tuned into the chairman of the neighbour plan steering groups interview on Rutland Radio is surely utter rubbish? if Rutland Radio enjoyed that sort of listener figures we would still have it today.

It is my opinion this plan has been drawn at the last minute by a very tiny group of men not representative of Oakham or Barleythorpe residents. 

I would also like to include my recordings of the only time Oakham Town Council members met with the steering group.

you will notice the total lack of interest from most of the town councillors. many sat gossiping whilst some members spoke to steering group members, I know personally none of my question were ever answered.

Here are the links to two parts of the meeting held in 2018, this was not a public meeting. Most if not all the steering group meetings were not open to the public. That was changed at one point but then meeting times were not made public.

Oakham and Barleythorpe Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2036 Regulation 14 Consultation Draft Plan December 2018 Oakham Town Councils first and last meeting with the steering group.