Monday, August 23, 2021

NEW THEATRE PETERBOROUGH 46 BROADWAY, PETERBOROUGH, PE1 1RS Show your support for your local theatre in the most iconic way possible by naming a seat

NAME A SEAT https://newtheatre-peterborough.com/event/name-a-seat/

Show your support for your local theatre in the most iconic way possible by naming a seat and having your love of theatre emblazoned for all to see.

By naming a seat you will be providing vital support while we survive and ultimately thrive following the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In naming a seat you will receive a plaque on your chosen seat with your name or dedication and will receive an opportunity to visit the venue to take a photo with your seat.  Plaques remain in place for 10 years at which point you will be offered the opportunity to renew your support.

Our engraved seat plaques offer you the chance to become (subject to availability) part of the fabric of this amazing theatre. It is a wonderful gift for friends or family and a perfect way to celebrate a special occasion, a memorable date, a loved one or provide a lasting legacy.

Individual Plaques – £150

Business Plaques – £500


I named seat 1A