Saturday, February 12, 2022

Candidate's for the Ryhall and Casterton Ward of Rutland County Council District Council By Election No Libdem or Labour

Candidate's for the Ryhall and Casterton Ward of Rutland County Council District Council By Election No Libdem or Labour candidates. 

The Conservatives have dug up Richard Foster who was previously elected as a Conservative member for Cottesmore in May 2015 an appointed to the cabinet in August 2015 

Richard Foster has lived in Stretton since 1999 but has close ties to Rutland going back more than 40 years. 

Foster, Richard 

The Old Farm

House, Manor Road,

Stretton, Rutland,

LE15 7QZ

The Conservative 

Rick Wilson has been nominated for the Green Party.


Wilson, Rick 

School House,

Bourne Road,

Essendine, Rutland,


Green Party

The poll for the Ryhall and Casterton by-election will take place between 7am and 10pm on March 10.

In line with Electoral Commission and government guidance, it is recommended that voters wear face coverings in polling stations to reduce the risk from Covid-19. Hand sanitising stations and single-use pencils for marking ballots will also be provided.

The deadline for receiving new applications to register to vote for this election is midnight on February 22. Guidance on how to register can be found at: www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.

New applications to vote by post and any requests to cancel or change an existing postal or proxy vote must reach the council’s electoral services team by 5pm on February 23 in order to be valid for this election.

New applications to vote by proxy except on the grounds of a medical emergency must be submitted before 5pm on March 2.

For more information about the Ryhall and Casterton by-election, voter registration and how to vote, visit: www.rutland.gov.uk/elections or email: elections@rutland.gov.uk or call: 01572 722 577.