Saturday, May 07, 2022

After 6 Rutland County Councillors Including the Council Leader, in the last couple of weeks, resign from Conservative Party and Remain as Independent Councillors, MP Alicia Kearns and Cllr Lucy Stephenson issue a joint statement.

After 7 Rutland County Councillors Including the Council Leader, in the last couple of weeks, resign from Conservative Party and Remain as Independent Councillors, MP Alicia Kearns and Cllr Lucy Stephenson issue a joint statement.

A joint statement from MP Alicia Kearns and Cllr Lucy Stephenson, Rutland Conservative group leader, said: "Our first duty of care is to our residents, and at a time of upheaval and uncertainty in the world this move will do nothing to reassure Rutlanders.

"We are committed to fighting for fairer funding for Rutland. Last week our MP met ministers to raise it again; this week she secured further talks between the council and officials from the Department for Levelling Up, and next week has secured a debate in parliament on improving funding for Rutland."