Thursday, December 22, 2022

Oakham Town Council Meeting 22nd December 2022 Full Meeting Video, Budget Shambles, public money goes missing, Councillor to be reported for breach of standing orders after reporting loss of public money to police.

Oakham Town Council Meeting 22nd December 2022

This evening Oakham Town Council held a special meeting.

Budget Shambles.

It became evident that the finance committee had not met and the clerk had produced a complete mess.

New members were appointed to the finance committee, that committee will meet in the new year to produce a rushed draft budget for members of the full council to approve on the 11th January 2023.

The current draft budget is as poor as any other year. example one heading had £10,000 and this year only £1,000 was spent, so they ask for another £10,000 next year and the £9,000 hides away in the reserves. This is repeated on other budget heading although there are a few over spends, confirming what the auditor has pointed out about Oakham Town Councils budgeting or lack of it.

Voting to employ accountant to inspect council account after public money goes missing.

Oakham Town Council has admitted petty cash is missing and the matter was reported to the police.

The councillor who reported the loss to the police, is now being reported for breaching standing orders, that does not make the council look good.

The town council has a serious staffing issue with the clerk, details of that have been leaked.

Some have been not leaked, Issues with the annual return figures not being correct and refusing to answer auditors questions is publicly reported.

A councillor has told me when the accountant visits the council in the new year, they hope the clerk will let them look at the laptop, currently the assistant clerk and members of the council are refused access to the council laptop.

Councillor to be reported for breach of standing orders after reporting loss of public money to police.

Oakham Town Council voted to report a member for breaching standing orders, after that councillor reported missing public money to police.

Cllr Dave Romney made the proposal, quoting a standing order that prevents members of the council from acting unilaterally when it comes to making decisions regarding council business. He also pointed out the council always ignores its standing orders.

I don't think the councillor being reported, has any worries about this standing order. It is a duty for any councillor to protect public money. 

I spoke to councillors after the meeting, I felt the vote could be seen as the council were objecting to a councillor reporting a possible crime. I was told. I was misunderstanding things and Cllr Paul Ainsley told me to come back and speak to him in three months adding there were confidentially issues? 

It really does look like the whole council has turned against a member for doing the right thing.

The councillor who went to the police remains a member of the council, they have resigned from the staffing and finance committees. 

Oakham Town Council members are very unhappy that the loss of public money has been leaked. I would like to know how they were intending to hide the undisclosed loss, were they going to falsify the public records? or  just hope no one would notice. 

Cllr Rita Garward repeatedly objected to questioning and comments made to her from member of the public regarding the loss of public money. I wonder if she understands the role of a councillor and the legal responsibilities councillors have when it comes to financial matters, that question could easily apply to other members.