Monday, January 09, 2023

Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 11th January 2023, Agenda

Oakham Town Council once again fail to comply with the law, by failing to publish all supporting documents. Once again this relates to the finances.

Once again the council is being asked to contribute towards a Rutland Project not a Oakham project, a donation of £10,000 for a statue of the late Queen.

All Saints Church Oakham Rutland is applying for a £10,000 grant for repairs to the church. We already in my opinion pay enough money each year for the upkeep of the church yard. No other church denomination receives any support from the town council. I am not suggesting they should. This reminds of the time when a previous vicar tried to get the town council to pay for clock repairs suggesting the clock was the towns. This is not what the grant system at Oakham Town Council was set up for. I guess it is has come to council because of Cllr Lowes role as church warden and the clerk is a member of the church.

After the town council lost petty cash there is a proposal to purchase a safe for £200

Currently the clerk was working from home and refusing to give work related tasks to the assistant clerk.

One one the clerks legal responsibilities is to ensure public notices are displayed in time and clearly for all residents to read. Oakham town council is now wasting our money and paying a casual worker to carry out the duty of the clerk. This weeks meeting agenda is hidden from view!

Why would you pay some one to do this?

Oakham Town Council

Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6LN

01572 723627



TO: All members of the Town Council

In accordance with the requirements of the Local government Act 1972, you are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 11th January 2023 at 6.30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the offices of the Town Council, Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, LE15 6LN

Benjamin Tassell

Clerk to the Council


Public Notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with schedule 12, Para 10(2) of the Local Government Act 1972. The Meeting is open to the press and public. Members of the public attending this meeting are advised that it may be filmed and recorded.


  1. APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE: To receive and approve apologies for absences

  1. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS AND APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION: Reminder to Members to disclose either a Pecuniary Interest or Other Interest in any item on the agenda. The clerk cannot advise members on this. Members are personally responsible for declaring an interest. Members are respectfully advised to read the Code of Conduct for more information. Councillors are also responsible for ensuring that their Registers of Interests are up to date (within 28 days of any changes)

  1. DEPUTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: An opportunity for members of the public to speak in accordance with Standing Orders 1 (d)- 1(i)


4.1 Minutes: To confirm the accuracy of the minutes from the meeting

held on 7th December 2022 Attached

4.2 Minutes: To confirm the accuracy of the minutes from the meeting

held on 22nd December 2022


To answer questions previously notified to the Clerk under Standing Order 9

6. CLERK’S REPORT: To receive information

7. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: To receive information


8.1 To receive and consider reports from members, working groups and outside bodies


9.1 To note correspondence from residents and response of OTC


10.1 Payments for Approval (cashbook up to 31.12.22 to follow)

10.2 Bank Reconciliation as at 31 December 2022

(to follow)

10.3 Budget 2023-2024 – To receive and vote on proposal from the finance committee regarding proposed precept demand and budget for 2023-2024 (documents to follow)


To discuss the vacancy on the council following the resignation of Cllr Nealson


11.1 Application from Oakham All-Saints Church (Attached)


13.1 To review and agree draft SLA paper (Attached)


Version 1 

 April 2022

Next review date 

March 2023


This is a service level agreement between Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council. This document identifies the service required and the expected level of services between 01/04/2022 and 01/04/2023

Subject to review and renewal scheduled by 31/3/2023


Oakham Town Council

Rutland County Council

A bus service using Public Service Vehicles to carry passengers at separate fares over short distances.

Transport provision providing flexible and accessible community-led solutions in response to unmet local transport needs.

English National Concessionary Travel Scheme

On-board ticket income paid by passenger

The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) made it mandatory for all establishments and service providers that are open to the public to take reasonable steps provide access for disabled people

A vehicle with between 7 to 16 passenger seats


Oakham Town Council will:

Pay £25,000 for the operation of the Oakham Hopper bus service for 1 year.
not have frontline responsibility for any aspect of service delivery or monitoring.
engage in regular KIT meetings to discuss the bus service
allow 1 calendar month for any requested service changes to be implemented
allocate an officer available to discuss any service issues/requests

Rutland County Council will:

efficiently operate the Oakham Hopper bus service in-line with the agreed timetable
supply & maintain a legal and roadworthy vehicle for the service
employ and manage any drivers required to drive the route
promote & publicise the bus service
Look to improve the service and propose changes to OTC at KIT meetings
Deal with any service issues and complaints


To discuss paper 2022/32 Submitted by Cllr Williams regarding the planting of Trees in Cutts Close

Paper 2022/32 8.3

Trees: Research and Meeting with Stuart Kidd on 28.11.22 to discuss planting replacement trees


Trees are to replace those previously removed (to satisfy Forestry Commission in particular)

Suggestion is to propose two locations, due to potential difficulty with planting at Cutts Close

No specific budget already agreed, this will depend on our proposal for trees

Tree planting should be done between Oct - Mar

Headline points:

Suggestion of Option A: Cutts Close, Option B: Centenary Fields

Agreement will need to be given by Forestry Commission & English Heritage, before 

At the meeting with Stuart Kidd, there was a discussion about suitable sites, suitable trees and the process for tree planting.  Please see some expanded points below:

Points on suitable sites:

Cutts Close - expect this to be challenging due to restrictions, together with previous examples of difficulty with recent tree planted (took multiple years), and rejection of previous proposal to replace shelter.

 (English Heritage in particular may object due to the historical significance/ potential for disturbing archeological remains) 

Cutts Close is a ‘scheduled monument’ on the Historic England register: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1010702?section=official-list-entry

Details of the forms and process are here: https://historicengland.org.uk/advice/planning/consents/smc/

Best location would be where young trees have recently been planted (see map below), close to steps up to Castle - between carpark and skate park; this would also be expected to provide much needed shade and shelter through hot summer months, without significant impact on existing vistas or views of the castle.

Centenary Fields - site has connection to both Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council, which may be seen as a positive for this project.  Additional trees would be expected to add significant landscape value to this space, with little detrimental impact to current usage. 

Willow Crescent - not as public, so less value in replacement of public trees.  Primary use is for allotments, rather than public recreation.

Royce Park - less public than Cutts Close and Centenary Fields. Currently used by the public for recreation, including football which requires open space.


To discuss paper 2022/35 Submitted by Cllr Wadsworth regarding the funding of a statue to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II

Report No.


Agenda Item No. 2022-35


Report Author:   

Cllr Sally-Anne Wadsworth

Subject: Rutland’s Permanent Memorial to her Late Majesty   

Strategic Aim:

Rutland is a very loyal county with a tradition of service, volunteering, and admiration for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth

Members are being asked to consider this request:

There are no public statues in the county, this statue would be a lasting tribute & public landmark and a way of paying tribute to Queen Elizabeth’s 70 years of service.

Hywel Pratley has been chosen because he has local connections and is well respected, he is a member of the Royal Society of Sculptors, his work in bronze is widely exhibited, he is reasonably priced, and he has local connections having worked with Le Blanc Foundry in Saxby for years.

The statue needs to be easily visible so it can be seen by all as they pass through Oakham the county town.

Everyone in Rutland must be able to feel ownership of it.

To consider donating £10,000 from reserves: This will include a plaque mentioning Oakham Town Council have made a donation.


16.1 To discuss paper 2022/36 Submitted by Cllr Ainsley regarding the re-siting of the fridge away from the sink in the OTC offices


The present situation where we have the fridge and kettle sitting on the sink draining area in the Assistant clerk’s  office is dangerous and a potential electrocution hazard. Both items should be moved to a safe location.


The existing electrical socket should be moved from over the drainer and made available immediately to the right of the bookcase and above a newly purchased cupboard.

Installation and assembly of a new kitchen-type cupboard.

Estimate costs £500 to £100

16.2 To discuss paper 2022/37Submitted by Cllr Wadsworth regarding the purchase of a safe for the OTC office

17. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: 8th February 2023 @ 6.30pm


a) The meeting is open to the press & public.

b) The Town Council allows a short period of time at meetings of the Full Council when residents can put questions to the council. At other times, the public are not able to take part in the proceedings except at the discretion of the Chairman who may at a convenient time in the transaction of business adjourn the meeting and suspend standing orders to allow any member of the public to address the meeting and ask questions requiring answers of a factual nature

c) Mobile phones are to be turned off during the meeting