Friday, January 27, 2023

Rutland County Council Local Plan January 2023

Call For sites 

Rutland County Council have published an interactive map showing the sites which have been submitted to them for consideration through the Call for Sites. 

You can view the interactive map here: 


Rutland Call For Sites 

Please be aware that the map shows sites that have been submitted to the council. 

Submission of a site does not mean it will be allocated within the Local Plan or that it will obtain permission for development. 

Submitted sites have no weight or status in planning terms. 

All sites will be objectively assessed to identify which might be suitable, sustainable, and deliverable.

Following careful assessment, the sites that are considered most appropriate to help Rutland meet its future development needs will be subject to public consultation as part of the ‘Preferred Options’ stage of developing Rutland’s new Local Plan. 

This consultation is expected to take place in early Autumn 2023. 

Issues and Options consultation responses

• The Local Plan Issues & Options Consultation ran from 30th June to 30th September


• Rutland County Council asked residents how they would like to tackle a range of planning issues and

proposed options for the future development of the County.

• You can view the summary of responses report as well as the detailed responses they

received  here on the Councils website.
