Saturday, February 04, 2023

Oakham Town Council Full Council Wednesday, 8th February 2023 Agenda, after years of complaining Oakham Town Council finally comply with the laws and once again start publishing accounts and almost all agenda supporting documents,

Oakham Town Council Full Council Wednesday, 8th February 2023 Agenda, after years of complaining Oakham Town Council finally comply with the laws and once again start publishing accounts and almost all the agenda supporting documents,  they forgot to publish the previous meetings minutes. I hope they continue to do this because I don't really like complaining all the time. Thank you Oakham Town Council. 

A memory of Oakham Town Council 10 years ago
and today they are still providing the tax payers value for money
39p to post a 30p invoice

Oakham Town Council

Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6LN

01572 723627



TO: All members of the Town Council

In accordance with the requirements of the Local government Act 1972, you are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Oakham Town Council on Wednesday 8th February 2023 at 6.30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the offices of the Town Council, Rol House, Long Row, Oakham, LE15 6LN

Benjamin Tassell

Clerk to the Council


Public Notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with schedule 12, Para 10(2) of the Local Government Act 1972. The Meeting is open to the press and public. Members of the public attending this meeting are advised that it may be filmed and recorded.


  1. APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE: To receive and approve apologies for absences

  1. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS AND APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION: Reminder to Members to disclose either a Pecuniary Interest or Other Interest in any item on the agenda. The clerk cannot advise members on this. Members are personally responsible for declaring an interest. Members are respectfully advised to read the Code of Conduct for more information. Councillors are also responsible for ensuring that their Registers of Interests are up to date (within 28 days of any changes)

  1. DEPUTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: An opportunity for members of the public to speak in accordance with Standing Orders 1 (d)- 1(i)


4.1 Minutes: To confirm the accuracy of the minutes from the meeting held on 11th January 2023 Attached  



To answer questions previously notified to the Clerk under Standing Order 9

6. CLERK’S REPORT: To receive information

7. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: To receive information


8.1 To receive and consider reports from members, working groups and outside bodies

8.2 To discuss paper 2022/38 Submitted by Cllr Lowe/R+P Committee regarding the party in the park event.

Report No. 2022/38 Appendix: Agenda Item No.


Date of Meeting: February 2023

Oakham Town Council

Report Author: Cllr Lowe

Title: Party In The Park

Subject: Party In the Park

Strategic Aim No. Promote the town as an attractive place to visit and stay.

The Promotions and Recreational Committee accepted and agreed to the following to be ratified by FULL COUNCIL.

The Party In The Park is being held for the third year on July 9th 2023 between 12noon and 5pm.

The event initially set up by the Lord Lieutenant of Rutland in recognition of the Military and Emergency Services connected with and located in the County the Military .

OTC have supported the event by allowing the use of the Cutts Close and a financial contribution as an event in the Park for the Community. Having held the first planning meeting with the working group the following a successful operational model the event is planned to go ahead if they can secure the funding along the lines of 2021 and 2022.

Proposal carried by Recreational and Promotions.

  1. OTC agree to the use of Cutts Close for the PITP Community event on July 9th

  2. OTC support the event with an allocation from the 2023/24 Promotions Budget of £2000

Breakdown of costs (OTC would pay invoices direct - surplus retained in promotions)

Bluebird Belles and Manky Beds £1200

Toilet Hire £500

Promotion Banner £150

Rutland & Stamford Sound £150

The proposal is that FULL COUNCIL accept the recommendation as outlined to the P&R Committee.

8.3 To discuss and agree the set up of a working group to work out the costings and programme for the summer events. Costings attached for initial approval.

Band Concerts 2023 Date Value Band Expenditure 

18th June Father’s Day £1050 12noon-5pm 

25th June Band Concert £500 2.30pm-4.30pm 

2 nd July Band Concert £500 2.30pm-4.30pm 

16th July Band Concert £500 2.30pm-4.30pm 

23rd July Band Concert £500 2.30pm-4.30pm 

30th July Band Concert £500 2.30pm-4.30pm 

6 th August Band Concert £500 2.30pm-4.30pm 

13th Aug Band Concert £500 2.30pm-4.30pm 

20th Aug Band Concert £500 2.30pm-4.30pm 

27th Aug Band Concert £1000 12 noon-5pm 

28th Aug Band Concert £1000 12 noon-5pm 

Total £7050 

Party In the Park Bands £1200 Toilets £500 Advertising Banner £150 Sound Support £150 Total £2000 

Other Events 

17th April Easter Egg Hunt £150 

7th May Kings Coronation £1000 From the Commemorations Budget 

17th May Gay Pride 

28th May Oakham Baptist Church 

1st July Rutland Concert Band 

Total £1150 Promotions Banners £1500 All Events 

£300 In case of emergencies 

Total Expenditure £12000


9.1 To note correspondence from residents and response of OTC

Coronation Service 10.30 All Saints Oakham

From: <ll@rutlandlordlieutenant.org>

Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2023 at 15:31

Subject: Coronation Service 10.30 All Saints Oakham

To: Kate Haworth <KHaworth@rutland.gov.uk>

Cc: stephen griffiths <steph78griff@hotmail.com>, Adam Lowe <adamfromoakham@gmail.com>

Dear Kate

I have just had a very useful meeting with Stephen Griffiths about our County Service for the Coronation. It will be at 10.30am on Sunday May 7th at All Saints and last about an hour. We will need to send out invitations much as we did for the Platinum Jubilee. Hopefully our data base will make that less onerous now.

We think a parade before the service because then it does not run into lunch plans. I hope OTC might put something on following the service in Cutts Close.  I will write to the Brigadier, Col Claire, Dave Simons and Ben Hawes to alert them and ask for military presence.

Please could you send out a brief ‘save the date’ email to principal people including them very soon? Have we got all the Brownie, Guides, Scouts etc contact details?

 Many thanks

 All best wishes


Termination of Victoria Hall Office Lease Hegarty Solicitors 


10.1 Payments for Approval (cashbook up to 31.01.23 attached)

10.2 Bank Reconciliation as at 31 January 2023 (attached)

If a UK-authorised bank, building society or credit union fails, the FSA automatically compensate each eligible company depositor up to £85,000 and that's it, so it still concerns me that after many years of asking OTC  to sort this and them agreeing to get it sorted they still keep almost all the tax payers money in one bank. 


To discuss the vacancy on the council following the resignation of Cllr Graham


To discuss paper 2022/41 Submitted by Cllr Wadsworth regarding The request to use Cutts Close by Oakham Baptist Church

Report No. 2022.41


Agenda Item No.


Report Author:

Cllr Sally-Anne Wadsworth

Subject: Request to use Cutts Close 28th May 2023

Strategic Aim:

250 years of Oakham Baptist Church within the town.

Members are being asked to consider requests from:

It is 250 years since OBC was founded and we would like to celebrate our service to the community with a free ‘party in the park’ type event! 

Our preferred date would be Sunday 28 May as it is Pentecost (birthday of the universal church) and half term/Bank Holiday weekend, so lots of reasons for a party.  Please could you let me know if Cutts Close could be available for this.

We envisage the event having the following:

  • Food

  • Drink

  • Games

  • Live music

  • Children’s activities

  • Daytime only, something like 10am to 3pm, tbc

We would be looking for access to your chairs, water and electricity (for the PA) etc, but we can chat through the details if we’re given the go ahead.  I have organised a similar event before and understand the need for risk assessments, food hygiene certificates, etc; we can comply with your legal requirements.


13.1 To discuss amended paper 2022/32 Submitted by Cllr Williams regarding the planting of Trees in Cutts Close (attached)

Report No. 2022/32


Agenda Item:

Council: Full Council

Date of Meeting: 8 Feb 2023


Report Author: Cllr Hannah Williams

Title: Trees

Title: Tree Planting

Applicable Strategy:

  1. Ensure that Oakham remains a viable and pleasant environment in which to live, work and play.

  2. Maintain and improve OTC land and buildings for the benefit of the community.

  3. Promote the town as an attractive place to visit and stay.

We have received confirmation that, without significant further investigation and expected cost, we will not be able to plant trees on Cutts Close.

In order to promote the town as an attractive place to visit and stay, planting additional trees will provide many benefits:

  1. They produce oxygen

  2. Help mitigate the effects of climate change through absorbing carbon dioxide

  3. Clean our air from pollutants and toxins

  4. Protect us from flooding

  5. Help keep us cool

  6. Provide a home for wildlife

  7. Good for mental health and wellbeing

  8. As our existing trees reach old age, we will need to plant more trees just to maintain our current tree cover.

Would the Council consider supporting the following motion:

"Oakham Town Council recognises the benefits trees and hedgerows provide for the climate, air quality, wildlife, people’s well-being and flood management and seeks to increase both tree and hedgerow cover on council owned or managed land.”

Would the Council therefore support the following action:

Council to plant additional trees and/ or hedgerows on Centenary Fields and/ or Royce Park.

Council agrees to spend up to £4,000 on appropriate trees (in consultation with the Tree officer and Cllr Williams).

13.2 To discuss paper 2022/40 Submitted by Cllr Wadsworth regarding tree works required

Report No. 2022.40


Agenda Item No.


Report Author:

Cllr Sally-Anne Wadsworth

Subject: Request from Rushton Trees

Strategic Aim:

Trees from Willow Allotments overhanging 5 Jasper Road

Members are being asked to consider requests from:

Rushton Tree has been out to 5 Jasper Road to assess the trees from Willow Allotments that have fallen and are over hanging the garden of this house. There are no tags on the trees in Willow trees.

To cut these back, make safe and dispose of all arisings £860 + VAT


To discuss paper 2022/39 Submitted by Cllr Romney regarding the provision of banking services in Oakham

Report No. 2022/39


Agenda Item:


Date of Meeting:


Report Authors: David Romney,

Title: Councilor

Subject Bank Hub

Strategic Aims:


Over the last few years two of our major banks have closed, leaving the Town with only two.

Given the resent announcement that both the existing banks are to close, leaving the Town with no banking facility.

This means that members of the public will have no where to go to Speak to a member of staff, the banks will say that all services are available online.

This is all well and good but many elderly residents do not have access to the internet or know/ wish to use it.

Some Towns in the same position, have set up Banking Hubs.

Giving the Banks the opportunity to meet the public at least one day a week.

I feel that as the Town Council, we should be stepping up and offering help, by looking into setting up a Hub in the chamber..


Council agrees to the office, making an approach to the main Banks to see if a hub is possible.

Council agrees to offer the Chamber for us as a Hub. 

15. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: 8th March 2023 @ 6.30pm


a) The meeting is open to the press & public.

b) The Town Council allows a short period of time at meetings of the Full Council when residents can put questions to the council. At other times, the public are not able to take part in the proceedings except at the discretion of the Chairman who may at a convenient time in the transaction of business adjourn the meeting and suspend standing orders to allow any member of the public to address the meeting and ask questions requiring answers of a factual nature

c) Mobile phones are to be turned off during the meeting