Wednesday, February 08, 2023

The majority of conduct Complaints handled by Rutland County Councils Monitoring Officer are complaints about Oakham Town Councillors in 2021 - 2023

The majority of conduct Complaints handled by Rutland County Councils Monitoring Officer are complaints about Oakham Town Councillors

Rutland County Council publish:


5.1 The Council has a small budget for Standards matters.

5.2 Where a member conduct complaint required investigating in the municipal year

2021/2, the investigation was undertaken by an external solicitor, at significant cost.

With the development of the in-house legal service, this work will be undertaken

internally unless there are particular reasons for the matter to be outsourced. To

date there has been no external spend on the member standards budget in the year

2022/3. The officers carrying out the work will start to be time recorded so that there

is an accurate picture of the cost even when there is no external spend.

5.3 There is a separate budget for training for RCC Members

2.4 In the period 01/04/22-13/01/23 the Monitoring officer accepted 11 complaints relating to members conduct relating to 8 different members. 

2.4 In the period 01/04/22-13/01/23 the Monitoring officer accepted 11 complaints

relating to members conduct relating to 8 different members.

2.5 Seven of the complaints relate to Oakham Town Councillors, two to RCC

Councillors, One each to Uppingham Town Council and Stretton Parish Council.

2.6 There was an agreed informal resolution in relation to three of the complaints

2.7 Two complaints were referred to the police; there is no current update in respect of

one and the police decided to take no further action in respect of the other.

2.8 There was no further action in relation to two of the complaints as the complaints

were not made out when investigated.

2.9 There are currently two outstanding complaints which relate to the same member

and incident.

2.10 The Monitoring Officer received two complaints from Oakham Town Councillors

about each other on 11th January 2023. The Independent Person’s view is currently

being sought about them.

2.11 The Monitoring Officer was mindful that the majority of complaints related to parish

and town councillors and agreed to fund training for parish clerks delivered by

LRALC. Unfortunately, the take up for the training was relatively low.