Thursday, July 25, 2024

Oakham Pride Picnic Replaces Annual Event

Oakham Pride Picnic Replaces Annual Event

Due to financial constraints, the Oakham Pride committee has announced a change of plans for this year’s celebration. 

Instead of the usual large-scale event, the community is invited to a picnic at Cutts Close on July 27th from 12:30pm to 4pm.

The decision to scale back the event comes as the committee focuses on fundraising efforts for future Pride celebrations. 

In a statement, the team said, “Sadly we can't afford to splurge out this year, we need to raise funds so we thought maybe we could all gather together at Cutts Close informally dressed in bright colours and sparkles."

The picnic aims to maintain a sense of community and inclusivity while allowing the organisers to regroup and rebuild their financial resources. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own food, drinks, and picnic blankets, and to come dressed in vibrant colors to celebrate diversity and pride.

While this year's event may be smaller in scale, the spirit of Oakham Pride remains strong. The committee hopes to return to a larger celebration in the future with renewed energy and support.