Showing posts with label Alan Kelly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alan Kelly. Show all posts

Saturday, April 27, 2013

President of St George Society, Keith Tyers, Alan Kelly, Sue Tyers, Johnny Monks, Photograph, Rutland

It is good to read in this weeks Rutland Mercury that Mr Tyers has taken
over the presidency of the Rutland St George's Society from former
Town Councillor Allen Kelly.

I wonder if their will be any special performances by his wife former
Oakham Mayor and School Governor Sue Tyers exposing her
dignity. If this public conduct is acceptable an condoned by
Leicestershire Police Inpsector Johnny Monks then it must be acceptable behind closed
door at one of their secret meetings.

Ladies baring their bums in public is unacceptable, I never claim to
be better than any of our local dignitaries, but I can assure readers
I have standards and stripping in public is not one of my past-times!
And certainly not a good way to celebrate a royal wedding morning.

Mr Tyers once told me I was worse than a Paedophile and the shit
on the pavement, a very nice gentleman.