Showing posts with label Alicia Kearns MP says. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alicia Kearns MP says. Show all posts

Thursday, February 02, 2023

Alicia Kearns MP says, I know residents in Rutland are worried about leisure provision after the news about Catmose Sports Centre. I'm confident a solution can be found, and the Council is working to establish options.

Alicia Kearns MP says, "I know residents in Rutland are worried about leisure provision after the news about Catmose Sports Centre.  I'm confident a solution can be found, and the Council is working to establish options".

I am guessing Alicia does not visit the councils website, especially the parts where the Conservative leader of the council says the closure is not the councils fault and blames central government funding. 

roll on the May local elections. A great opportunity for all the real independent moaners to get elected and bring about change. Let hope this May does not see a repeat of the normal unopposed return to council.

Rutland County Council is responsible for the destruction of six form education, the arts and culture and much more. 

The leader of the council could only think of the restaurant rating system as an example of how the most expensive council tax is spent.

The council contracts out most of the limited services it provides to other local authorities perhaps that's why they have so little money?