Showing posts with label Barleythorpe Field. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barleythorpe Field. Show all posts

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Lonsdale House Site, Sainsbury's College Site, Barleythorpe Field, Oakham, Rutland, Online Confusion

Lonsdale House Site, Sainsbury's College Site, Barleythorpe Field, Oakham, Rutland, Online Confusion

On social media there appears to be some confusion regarding the three sites
of Barleythorpe Road Oakham.

Lonsdale House and land belongs to Tresham College
The house was neglected by them and now demolition has started.
They have also cut down mature trees.

The plot land is up for sale with no planning permissions.

Oakham Town Council led by Cllr Lucas who is one of the councillors
for the ward, only last year suggested the house should
be demolished ASAP due to its vandalised state of neglect.
Oakham Town Council has no interest in historic heritage or the
arts and made no effort to save Lonsdale House.

Barleythorpe Field part of this field is leased by Oakham Town
Council from the owner Tresham College for a period of 99 years.

Oakham Town Council did not want to save the last open space
here in Oakham.

Some time around 2010 residents set up a Facebook page titled
save Barleythorpe Field. At this point I asked Oakham Town
Council to consider obtaining funding from the National Lottery
to secure the field for the public, At a subsequent meeting this
proposal was rejected.

Because at the time Rutland County Council owned the
Parks School site and wanted to sell that to developers
Bellway Homes the school site was to small for the developer
they required about half of Barleythorpe Field. Rutland County
Council assisted the developer with obtaining part of the
field from Tresham College at the same time they secured
the remaining part for the community. Oakham Town Council
reluctantly took on the lease as instructed by Rutland County
Council. Oakham Town Council are now responsible for
the management of the remaining part of the field.

Sainsbury's former College Site. This site is not currently
for sale. Sainsbury's has indicated it is not currently planning
to build on the site after hacking down many healthy trees
and clearing the site of building which had become dangerous
due to vandalism and theft. We have to wait and see what will
happen to this site owned by Sainsbury's who have current
planning permission to build on the land.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Barleythorpe Field, Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council, Bellway Homes, Tresham College

Barleythorpe Field,  Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council,
Bellway Homes, Tresham College

Oakham Town Council will proudly tell you that they have saved
this tiny piece of open green field for the resident of Oakham.

That is total rubbish, they have had the tiny portion of the field
dumped on them courtesy of Rutland County Council and
Tresham College because Rutland County Council don't want to
maintain it. Oakham Town Council is leasing it from Tresham and
will be responsible for its up keep.

When I was last on Oakham Town Council I supported local
residents who wanted to keep the last open green field here
in Oakham. I asked Oakham Town Council to support a bid
to obtain a grant to buy the entire field. They all voted to refuse
the application.

I then learnt the reason why, Rutland County Council wanted to
sell the Old Parks School site and Bellway Homes would only
buy it if they could also obtain the field owned by Tresham College
purchased some year ago from the public for peanuts.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Rutland County Council, Barleythorpe Field, Question, Do As We Say

This is the second time in as many years, I have felt the need to ask a questions at a Rutland County Council meeting.

In a democratic and free county, that's no easy task.

It appears my question is approved once the council has changed it to suit them.

What I find very frustrating is Rutland County Councils and  Oakham Town Councils definition of
the meaning  of offensive.

It appears  it is offence or personal to mention Oakham Town Councils rejection to obtain the field
when I was a Cllr and suggested the Council might like to apply for a Lottery grant to  purchase the field. A point that is minuted.

The same goes for mentioning the Town Clerks love for benches and other street furniture, he fills the parks and play grounds of our town with.

Often we hear criticism of MP's and Ministers in The House of Commons.

What I can not understand is why even the slightest criticism of people who are either  councillors  or employed by authorities is seen as personal or offensive? Surely this is not democratic and  a suppression of freedom of expression?

Email From The Councils Mr Pook

Geoffrey Pook (GPook@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk) 13:53
To: martinjbrookes@outlook.com

Hello Mr Brookes.

Further to your e-mail of 4 February, I confirm that the thrust of your questions has been accepted for putting to the meeting.

However, it is suggested that the questions be reworded to avoid any risk of them being disallowed on the grounds of personal or offensive contents.  The wording proposed is set out below:-

“Questions For The Full Rutland County Council Meeting 11th February 2013

Re: Barleythorpe Field cabinet recommendation.

As Rutland County Council does not yet know if Oakham Town Council will agree to the subletting to them of part of the field, should this matter not be deferred?

Could the Council ensure if the land is leased it is clearly defined as open land and not a park to be filled up with  benches or children's play equipment?

Speaking to dog walkers they all seem to think this area is an adult area and the only place in Oakham where adults can walk dogs and practise golf and other ball games.  Will this still be permitted considering the close proximity of proposed new homes?”


Geoff Pook

Geoff Pook | Head of Corporate Governance

Rutland County Council

Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP

t: 01572 722577 | f: 01572 758305

e: gpook@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk


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The views expressed in this email are those of the author and may not be official policy.
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Friday, February 01, 2013

Example of Letter Chief Executive Helen Briggs Rutland County Council finds Offensive from Cllr Gale, Barleythorpe Field, Tresham

Example of Letter Chief Executive Helen Briggs Rutland County Council finds Offensive from Cllr Gale

I would say it appears Cllr Gale is only doing his job?

Letter to Council Officer

Yes I agree that any proposed scheme that comes forward on Tresham land will come from Tresham themselves, not RCC. However an officer has referred to the collaborative sale agreement and the council using Section 123 of the Local Government act 1972. Therefore it was right for me to raise public concerns about the proposed loss of further sports field in the town that give excellent access for young, old and disabled people.

Yes I did meet with Cllrs. King and Woodcock and Mrs. Brambini in November and viewed a proposed plan, however I needed to compare this with previous plans just to see how it would fit in with approved land uses. I do keep all emails on this subject to refer back to. You will see that what does concern me is that Tresham chose to report that RCC "flexed" planning to give Bellway a greater value. This does indicates to me that RCC supported the "scheme" referred to earlier in this email. Does this raise issues when it comes to Development Control?

This site has greater value than money as a sports field and recreational area for the town as a whole. We can never create such a green and mature area again in the town.

I do not understand why RCC do not taking every opportunity to give residents who overlook the proposed new parking facilities and residential development every opportunity to meet with Council officers to comment on the schemes . Time and time again I call for better consultation with the public and it appears opportunities are lost.

I make this request again, 'Can we please see all of the minutes previously refused to us of meetings that RCC has had with Tresham and the land agent when the future of this site has been discussed.                Openness, Transparency and Accountability

Richard Gale.

The Rutland Times has since reported the land mentioned is now likely to be leased to Rutland County Council for 99 years. So it can remain a public open space.

Although it is not clear if this is for the whole field.