Showing posts with label Children’s Rides. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children’s Rides. Show all posts

Monday, April 07, 2014

Ravenstone St George's Celebration, The event is free with Stalls, Tea and Cakes tent, Bar, Hog Roast/BBQ, Children’s Rides

Sun, 27 Apr 2014 12:00pm

Ravenstone St George's Celebration

The event is free with Stalls, Tea and Cakes tent, Bar, Hog Roast/BBQ, Children’s Rides, Bouncy Castle and Slide, Swing Boats, the main attraction being the arena events. The arena events booked this year are a Battle Re-enactment, Slaying the Dragon, Bibbledy Bob the Court Jester, Birds of Prey flying display, Maypole Dancing, Children’s Races and Cadets Pipe and Drum Band. This is a traditional village event full of fun, interest and laughter. Always a good day out so come and join us

Venue: Village Green, Leicester Road

Disabled Access: Although it's on grass its flat, quite smooth and will have been well mowed.
Contact: David Lunn / 01530 813323 / davidlunn1945@gmail.com