Showing posts with label Hog Roast/BBQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hog Roast/BBQ. Show all posts

Monday, April 07, 2014

Ravenstone St George's Celebration, The event is free with Stalls, Tea and Cakes tent, Bar, Hog Roast/BBQ, Children’s Rides

Sun, 27 Apr 2014 12:00pm

Ravenstone St George's Celebration

The event is free with Stalls, Tea and Cakes tent, Bar, Hog Roast/BBQ, Children’s Rides, Bouncy Castle and Slide, Swing Boats, the main attraction being the arena events. The arena events booked this year are a Battle Re-enactment, Slaying the Dragon, Bibbledy Bob the Court Jester, Birds of Prey flying display, Maypole Dancing, Children’s Races and Cadets Pipe and Drum Band. This is a traditional village event full of fun, interest and laughter. Always a good day out so come and join us

Venue: Village Green, Leicester Road

Disabled Access: Although it's on grass its flat, quite smooth and will have been well mowed.
Contact: David Lunn / 01530 813323 / davidlunn1945@gmail.com