Showing posts with label Cllr Adam Lowe Appointed Oakham Mayor Proposed By Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cllr Adam Lowe Appointed Oakham Mayor Proposed By Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM Video. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Cllr Adam Lowe Appointed Oakham Mayor Proposed By Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM Video

Cllr Adam Lowe Appointed Oakham Mayor Proposed By Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM

Cllr Lucas used a lot of ones when describing Adam Lowe during her proposal
He must consider himself lucky that Cllr Lucas was talking to 'one' this week
"One who Listen's" although he did not appear to be listening to her proposal.

Cllr Stan Stubbs interrupted the meeting to request that only the chairman
chairs the meeting this evening, rather odd when you consider he kept interrupting
and asking the chairman to move things along throughout the meeting.

Thank goodness we did not appoint Stan as chairman meeting would be over
in minutes! 'this is what I want either agree or disagree...'Next Item'

At the same meeting Cllr Michael Haley was appointed Deputy Mayor
to control Adam.

Meetings are much better since our old chairman resigned. Cllrs can chose
to drink coffee at the meetings now.