Showing posts with label Councillors Walk out at public deputations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Councillors Walk out at public deputations. Show all posts

Monday, November 17, 2014

Oakham Town Council, Planning Sub Committee, Councillors Walk out at public deputations, 17th November 2014

Oakham Town Council, Planning Sub Committee, Councillors Walk out at public deputations, 17th November 2014

The chairman Cllr Leanne Martin was absent.
The remaining Councillors appointed Stan Stubbs
as Chairman.

After 5 minutes we arrived at public deputations, I wanted to read out a statement
regarding the councils illegal co-options. Councillors walked out and locked them
themselves in the office with a member of the public.

The considered the planning applications below in less than 10 minutes.

During there absence they forgot to take the councils laptop with them, they did not lock it. I took a peak but found nothing incriminating pity I did not have longer to look.



(i) To receive apologies for absence
(ii) To decide whether to approve apologies for absence


Members are asked to declare, if required:

(i) Any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they may have in respect to items on the agenda
(ii) Any other interest they may have in respect to items on the agenda

3. MINUTES (Appendix A)

To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Sub – committee held on Monday 20th
October 2014


Members of the Public are invited to address the meeting in accordance with procedures laid
down in Standing Order 1(d) – 1(i)


To consider the following applications received to date and to make recommendations,
comments and observations thereon to Rutland County Council
To also decide whether any planning application received to date should be referred to a
meeting of the Council or the Planning and Parks Committee

(i) 2014/0840/PTA Mr Tim Wiggans
Reduce two lowest western branches overhanging boundary back to boundary / upwards
growing stems. Reduce lowest norther branch back to main upwards secondary growth
point. Reduce lower branches overhanging substation by up to 3m and tip back rest of
crown to balance. Crown raise secondary branches over garden up to a height of 4m
1 Catmos Street

(ii) 2014/0757/FUL Mrs Mary Darlington (The Ark Association)
Erection of a 18750mm canopy at the back of the nursery building. Total measurement:
Length 18750mm, projection 4700mm
The Ark Playgroup, Westfield Avenue

(iii) 2014/0952/FUL Tim Norton Properties
External and internal alterations
Furleys (Furnishers) Ltd, 5 High Street

(iv) 2014/0953/LBA Tim Norton Properties
External and internal alterations
Furleys (Furnishers) Ltd, 5 High Street

(v) 2014/0975/FUL Mr Matt Gregory
Single storey rear extension (loft conversion under permitted development)
62 Cold Overton Road