Showing posts with label Deputy Leader Terry King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deputy Leader Terry King. Show all posts

Friday, June 03, 2011

Conservative Councillor and Deputy Leader Terry King Rutland County Council

Conservative Councillor and Deputy Leader Terry King Rutland County Council

A few more emails received today from Councillor King , he is offering me money again.
how much I don't know?

I don't understand  why the deputy leader of the council thinks its ok, to send this style of e-mails to me.

Irrational and disrespectful.

From: TKing@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk
To: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com; alan.duncan.mp@parliament.uk; alex.oram@standardsforengland.gov.uk; BRoper@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; duncana@parliament.uk; enquiries@standardsforengland.gov.uk; GPook@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; HBriggs@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; leigh.foster@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk; alan@alanduncan.org.uk; news@oakfm.co.uk; newsdesk@leicestermercury.co.uk; RGale@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; RBegy@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; rutland.editorial@jpress.co.uk; smeditor@stamfordmercury.co.uk
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 12:56:38 +0100
Subject: RE: RE:

M Brookes
When you do eventually take that long awaited independent legal advice, I am sure they will tell you your current reply has only buried you deeper and that if you had taken such advice prior that you may have not prejudiced yourself yet again.
Any offer to help you start to get employment, either self employment or otherwise will continue to be made, and that includes funds for you to set up and avoid you having to remain being unemployed, a matter that you keep telling me that you would like to rectify. If you keep abusing the offer that does not mean to say it will be withdrawn, but it may stop you looking for the sympathy vote, like many of us you have options to stand on your own two feet, some people are not so lucky. You have said you want to work, I have offered you a route.
It is sad that you still have not apologised for publically reporting a persons ill health on your blog, but I thing sadly we have become used to this anti social behaviour.
T King

From: TKing@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk
To: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com; alan.duncan.mp@parliament.uk; alex.oram@standardsforengland.gov.uk; BRoper@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; duncana@parliament.uk; enquiries@standardsforengland.gov.uk; GPook@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; HBriggs@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; leigh.foster@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk; alan@alanduncan.org.uk; news@oakfm.co.uk; newsdesk@leicestermercury.co.uk; RGale@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; RBegy@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; rutland.editorial@jpress.co.uk; smeditor@stamfordmercury.co.uk
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 14:33:38 +0100
Subject: Re:

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M Brookes
You will never duck your actions on your anti social behaviour to some ladies, and your reference to how people may get illnesses is beyond belief. I found it unacceptable and I am sure their families also did.
For the record I have only spoken to Jan Fillingham a handful of times in my life, I doubt she would take that as friendship, even if your conspiracy complex wishes it to so.
If you don't want to take help to get employment then that's your choice, but please don't keep telling me life is not fair, I have offered you a genuine chance to come off JSA.

T King

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rutland County Council, Broadband, Leader Roger Begy, Deputy Leader Terry King, Helen Briggs

Leading broadband providers from around the country converged on Oakham  as Rutland County Council's project to improve broadband speeds across the county gathered pace.
The council is currently waiting to hear if a bid for £1.6 million to the Regional Growth Fund has been successful and further applications for funding are due to be made in the coming months.

I was sent details of the presentation along with a simple question did the deputy leader Conservative Councillor Terry King and fellow Conservative Councillor inform those present, the two companies featured in the presentation belonged to them?

I wrote to the deputy leader Conservative Terry King and asked the very simple question.

The answer should have been YES or  No to my surprise emails were sent throughout the day ending at 8pm

A few days before Cllr Terry King had written to tell me I was a disgrace and anyone who meets me does not ever want to see me again.

So you can imagine my surprise when he offered me a pledge, a pledge to provide some funds and help me to start up a new business, not something you would expect from a person who had so publicy declared his dislike for me only a few days before.

Council Leader Conservative Roger Begy did nudge him at one point writing. "Brookes is not writing these alone"

If Councillor King and Councillor Begy think they can buy me, they can think again.

The local police hold evidence linking Rutland County Council to a unlawful campaign during the recent election. they also have a number of vile and offensive letters all using the same stationary as the last received which included a marked copy of a document only handed to the council and the local police.

The police are failing to take action because their own police inspector Mr Monks is in it up to his neck.

His local officers all say they are fed up to the teeth with the actions of the council.

I see the big problem for Mr Monks is he can not point the finger because if he does he incriminates himself.

Yesterday I accompanied a member of the public to the police station and acted as observer, whilst there a member of staff said Mr Brookes I have been told I must give you a receipt for the letters you handed in last week. A slight improvement there.

Mr Begy and Mr King and Chief Executive Helen Briggs need to consider the actions of their council very carefully, possible even considering their positions at the Council.