Showing posts with label Dictation From Oakham Mayor Councillor Alf Dewis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dictation From Oakham Mayor Councillor Alf Dewis. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Dictation From Oakham Mayor Councillor Alf Dewis

After the county show I waited a day before I sent a email to our chairman about the
appalling and embarrassing conduct of Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM. It is probably fortunate,
I did not write it on the day of the event. I let a whole day pass so my anger level was

I would still like to know what the doctor, who owns the former Spinney Hill Hotel site
has done so wrong for Cllr Lucas to publicly disrespect him whilst representing the council at the county show?

She said along with other things the horrible man has a lot to answer for.

Cllr Dewis has responded to me via the Clerk in a very dictatorial and unhelpful manner,
rather cowardly just as he sets of for his two weeks holiday.

Cllr Dewis accuses me of not wanting to work as part of a team! It would be better
to say a small part of the team does not want me to work as part of their team.

Cllr Dewis is a fine one to dictate about team work, when he conducts council business
without any resolution of the full council.

He and Cllr Joyce Lucas are the biggest problem at Oakham Town Council, preventing team work.
I don't expect to go down the pub with my fellow Councillors, but I do expect as I show them basic manners and respect and none of this is returned by Councillor Lucas BEM at any time.

Cllr Alf Dewis incorrectly thinks team work is rubber stamping his unauthorised autocratic decisions.

Email received today from Cllr Alf Dewis

Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 at 1:44 PM
From: "Richard White"
To: "Martin Brookes "
Subject: E-mail from Alf
Dear Martin

Alf has requested that this is sent to you. It will also be sent to other members

Cllr Brookes


At the recent informal councillor meeting on 26 May I explained that I was very keen that all councillors should work together as a team and asked that if any councillor felt they were unable to do so to indicate.  You did not so indicate, therefore it was accepted that you would actively contribute towards a team working approach. 

Unfortunately, this does not appear to have been the case as some of your recent emails have contained personal and vindictive attacks on members of this Council.  This is contrary to the principles of team working and makes it so much more difficult to complete the important work we have ahead of us. 

I therefore intend to take the following action in the hope that your attitude and behaviour will change and you will, in future, start to show more respect to your fellow councillors.

In future, should any of your emails contain any form of personal attack on a member or members of this council it will not be answered or circulated.  This restriction will remain in force until you amend your present behaviour and can show that you are able to write constructive and positive emails.  

By way of this email I am advising all other councillors that if they no longer wish to receive all of your emails they should indicate this to the Clerk who I have instructed to take the necessary action.

I will continue to monitor your emails to ascertain whether you have changed your approach so that consideration may be given to lifting this restriction at the earliest opportunity.  This will not inhibit your ability to represent your ward as all the information and support you require can still be obtained from the office.

I remain interested in receiving your comments about the Council and any problems that you feel that I, as Chairman, should be made aware of.  In this context, I would expect you to identify the problem, state what you consider to be the corrective action and thirdly, what actions you should take to help overcome the problem.  Corrective action cannot include sanctions against other councillors.

I have asked the Clerk to circulate your emails addressed to me to all other councillors, should they wish to receive them, subject to them not being confidential or containing attacks on councillors.

I do not want to take this action but I’m afraid that you leave me with no alternative.

Alf Dewis

Chairman of the Council

Richard White

Clerk to Oakham Town Council

01572 723627

My response:

Dear Mr Dewis,

In understand your actions have been prompted by the trufull email report regarding the County Show.

I have spoke to the Clerk and expressed my concern about your email. You have no authority
to take such action and your final comments are a contradiction, you are not interested in my input.

I have also spoken to Mr Lowe about your email, I understand he has taken a back seat view of it
by stating he does not want to add to it. He also stated he has told you that he and
his wife found the conduct of another councillor at the county show embarrassing. 

To point out the embarrassing and vindictive conduct of a councillor and your lateness
in my book is not vindictive everyone who was at the show could hear your were late
because you were called many times of the loud speakers.

I will be giving a report about the show and last nights seminar at the next meeting.

I also understand the Clerk questioned whether he should even send out your email. What an
appalling position you are putting the staff in.

At the next meeting I will also be commenting on the unauthorised spending and the 
additional unauthorised contract addressed to you but signed by the former chairman.

I am shocked to find a legal bill of over £1000 has been paid and the office can not
tell me who authorised that payment. As the payment is linked to the matter
which involves the other unauthorised payments and contracts I can only assume
you are responsible and this is why the office can not or are unwilling to say who
told them to pay the bill which had not been approved by the full council.


Martin Brookes

My original email

Dear Chairman,

The County Show.

Depsite a request I was not told the purpose of Oakham Town Council being present.

I offered my help to Adam Lowe who was great to work with.

Adam also sorted out co-option information packs. Cllr Lucas said we are not 
here for that. So why were we there?

Cllr Lucas throughout the whole event was obnoxious, rude, vindictive.

Gossip was most certainly on the agenda. She complained in front of members
of the public that I was listening to her gossip.

I was not intentionally doing so, if one is standing in close proximity of another 
it is not difficult to over hear sometimes. 

I was particularly shocked to hear Mrs Lucas publicly discussing a property owner,
doctor resident, describing in him as very horrible and more under the banner
of Oakham Town Council. Surely this is not acceptable?

While I was talking to another resident about co-option Mrs Lucas very rudely
interrupted and snatched from my hand concert leaflets I had been handing out.
She shouted at me, I am taking those because you are wasting them. 
The lady I was speaking to was shocked by Mrs Lucas's conduct which was repeated again.
She also said I think the council needs new blood.

A agricultural society member spoke to me and described that woman as 
very rude pointing at Cllr Lucas after visiting her part of the stand.

At mid morning Mrs Lucas and her husband sat down on the stand
and preceded to eat takeaway food, Cllr Lucas consuming wine whilst
her husband consumed a pint of beer. Giving a very disgraceful unprofessional
impression of the Town Council.

Mrs Lucas and others blame me for people not wanting to join the 
council. I strongly disagree with that. She did a good job at doing that.

Mrs Lucas at one point publicly ordered me to stay away from
her side of the stand. It is not surprising that no other councillors
ever want to help this very rude and obnoxious and vindictive

I am sure the council did not spend £100 for her to spend the 
day gossipping and sitting around like a worn out rambler.


Martin Brookes