Election of Councillors to Parish Council Market Overton Parish UNCONTESTED 2023
In my opinion Parish councils are the pointless lowest level of local government.
Market Overton Parish Council will need to co-opt One new member.
BOYLE, Allan John
Brewer's Barn, 4 Kings Close, Market
Overton, LE15 7PS
ELLIS, Linda Carol
Barngates, 10A Main Street, Market
Overton, Oakham, LE15 7PL
ENGLAND, Philip John
11 Bowling Green Lane, Market
Overton, LE15 7PH
LUKACS-WINN, Colin Andrew
17 Thistleton Road, Market Overton,
Rutland, LE15 7PP
ROBINS, Jane Elizabeth
1 Fountains Row, Market Overton,
Oakham, LE15 7PJ
6 The Finches, Market Overton,
Rutland, LE15 7PY