Showing posts with label Emails From Former Oakham Town Councillor John Kennedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emails From Former Oakham Town Councillor John Kennedy. Show all posts

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Emails From Former Oakham Town Councillor John Kennedy

Emails From Former Oakham Town Councillor John Kennedy  

He resigned complaining about my email about Cllr Lowes false allegation of theft
perhaps he thinks if he continues to send me his nonsense I might? 

I think his behavior since leaving the council after attending one meeting is odd.

The conduct of the old guard is worse than being at school, it is very hard to
attract residents to join when Cllrs have to put up with this sort of stuff.

There are five new Cllrs including me who want to serve the community and 
work as a team and it is not going down to well with the old guard, they don't 
seem to want to be part of a team and just appear to want to cause mayhem.

Another example of an emails received from John Kennedy today:

I enclose above, a definition of bullying, you are guilty of bullying by Verbal, Relational and Cyber bullying. Verbal, and relational bullying are most prevalent in primary school and could also begin much earlier. Cyber-bullying is more common in secondary school than in primary school, this all backs up my previous theory that you act like a naughty schoolboy!

As regards Jasmine, I have never, ever bullied Jasmine and I challenge you to prove to the contrary. You may be surprised to know that Jasmineis not quite the true friend you thought she was. It was she who encouraged me to join the council, in order to stop "your cronies"getting on the council. Just be careful who you put your trust in, the ones you often trust most are the ones most likely to put a knife in your back. Some people have their own agenda and want to become mayor and will tread over everybody to achieve that ambition. Martin, just so you are aware, I also reported you to the Police and the reason you were not prosecuted was that there was not quite enough evidence to prosecute, but the details will be kept on record and when you DO overstep the mark, will be shown to the court. The Police were NOT fed up with us, they are fed up with YOU!


Ex Cllr John Kennedy

You obviously did not read it correctly. I highlight the paragraph, below, but also enclose the full version. I was delighted to tell him that YOU and YOU alone were the reason for my resignation. No other agenda at all. I have a life, you obviously do not, or you would not spend all your time wandering around taking photos, protesting and insulting people. I have never liked that, but having seen what you have been up to, I will give as good as I get. If you want me to stop, back off then because until you do back off, not only me, but Adam as well, then I will continue to respond.
"He has too much time on his hands, which due to being in full time employment, I do not, so I suggest he steps back and takes a close look at what he is doing. Any decent person would then take the decent decision and resign and let people get on with trying to help the community".