Showing posts with label Ex Oakham Mayor Tells The Rutland Times He has Let People Down and It was a mistake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ex Oakham Mayor Tells The Rutland Times He has Let People Down and It was a mistake. Show all posts

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ex Oakham Mayor Tells The Rutland Times He has Let People Down and It was a mistake

Ex Oakham Mayor Tells The Rutland Times He has Let People Down and It was a mistake

His unlawful spending was never a mistake, His bullying conduct when I attempted
to reveal this payment and unlawfully entering into another contract was disgraceful
and most certainly not a mistake.

I asked questions at the AGM he claimed he knew nothing about the payments
this was a lie. Eventually he admitted the Wilkin Chapman unlawful payment
after he admitted it to the Rutland Times, he had previously lied in a recorded
Councillors question. After the Rutland Times published his admission, I asked another
question and this time he admitted he had forgotten and had to be reminded he was
responsible for the unlawful payment and even suggested the assistant Clerk was at fault
saying she authorised the payment, this is not true.

Video below shows his response made on the 19th August 2015

Our deputy Mayor Cllr Adam, Cllr Stan Stubbs and Cllr Joyce Lucas would be aware
of his admission of wrong doing or 'mistake' when they supported his unlawful actions to
to exclude me from the meeting where I was trying to raise issues about the accounts.
They assisted in his attempt to cover up his wrong doing and simply wanted to rubber
stamp an inaccurate statement of accounts. This cover up was attempted twice
before the exclusion incident, Cllr Lowe had to deal with the statement
of accounts whilst Alf Dewis was on holiday. At this point missing rent arrears from
one of councils friends were missing from the account, I and another councillor
pointed this out and were ignored and the 2014 - 2015 accounts were approved
then returned to council two further times. The council has still not completed
recovery action against the former tenants.

Video below shows Alf Dewis preventing me from carrying out my lawful duties
as a Councillor when trying to raise issues about the accounts.

The deputy Mayor Adam Lowe is know better when it comes to responding
to simple questions relating to councils minor spending. He stormed out of a meeting
before I had  chance to ask a question.

Since Mr Dewis arrived on the Council he bullied people. He had no understanding
of the true role of being a parish council chairman he constantly acted as if he had
power to lead and run the council when he did not.

Here is an example of his bullying at its best, Cllr Alan Walters is now a Rutland
County Councillor and read many books to boost his confidence to enabling him
to stand up to bullies like Mr Alf Dewis.

At the end of Jayne Woodcocks last meeting she shouted at Alf Dewis objecting to
his whispering in her ear at meetings. Its a shame she did not shout at him long before
and she might not have been blamed for most of his 'errors'.

Those who quietly complain about Mr Dewis and his dictatorial style and involvement
in many parts of our community will be pleased to know, he is no longer the Town
Council rep on the Town Partnership or The Neighbourhood Plan Steering group
the last being rather odd appointment considering his opinion on that matter.

I am sure Mr Dewis will keep many of his other hats even though the audit report
clearly states he broke the law and as I have said previously the audit was not a
full report and there are more unlawful payments which could be disputed this
year. It is unlikely that I will dispute them due to the cost although the auditor is aware
of them.

This includes the £1000 given to the Town Partnership without council approval
the list of unauthorised spending durring the last year of his chairman is considerable
some not all his sole responsibility but he was aware of them, £4000 paid to plantscape
ltd when there was no contract in place or authority to make the payment from council.
The hundred of pounds overspend for the poorly attended freedom of entry.

The investigation into the one illegal payment cost £2600 so I hope people will
understand why I may not object to all the others.

Fortunately Grant Thornton also use their discretion and chose not to seek a notice
from the High Court which would have cost Oakham Town Council tax payers

Friends of Alf describe mine as others conduct as subversive shame on them
Mr Kennedy.

It is a Councillors duty to protect public money how ever unpleasant it becomes
whilst attempting that goal. In this case it has been very unpleasant for more than
five years, but that won't stop me.

Good bye to our disgraced dishonest ('forgetful') bullying Mayor Mr Alf Dewis