Showing posts with label Flood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flood. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Leicesterhire & Rutland after the snow, wind and rain, flood, Photographs, January, 2013

Leicestershire & Rutland after the snow, wind and rain, flood, Photographs, January, 2013

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Flood, Cutts Close, Oakham, Rutland, Photograph, Tree Issues

Flood, Cutts Close, Oakham, Rutland, Photograph

The grand tree on the left is soon to be chopped back.
Oakham Town Council has appointed a tree surgeon
to carry out the work.

The cost of this work is the same for the work carried out
on all the trees in Cutts Close earlier this year.

Oakham Town Council refused to tender, stating they have
a good working relationship with the tree surgeon.

I can not understand why the work on one tree is now costing
as much as all the work carried out on dozens of trees.

The Town Council also said the tree is diseased and is likely
to be chopped down in five years.

Sadly another fine tree within the castle boundary has been
cut down due to neglect by Rutland County Council.

The first tree to go was on the corner near the old school
it split due to lack of care according to the tree surgeon.