Showing posts with label General Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General Election. Show all posts

Monday, April 06, 2015

Rutland & Melton, General Election, Church Hustings, Oakham, Rutland, Questions Required in Advance

Rutland & Melton, General Election, Church Hustings, Oakham, Rutland.

Questions Required.

I am currently seeking permission to film and publish the husting. The Rev Lee-Deqani does
not object, he said he will seek consent from the parliamentary candidates.

The unfortunate thing about these hustings is the church does not consider them

Here in Rutland the husting organised by All Saints Church Oakham under the
banner of churches together is the only opportunity to hear and see all the candidates
together here in Rutland. Disappointingly there are no other public hustings.

This election the church is asking for questions in advance. This did not happen
at the last election.

Lets hope the church fills up and there are plenty important question submitted
to all the candidates. Hopefully the candidates won't object to filming for Youtube
publication so those who don't or cant sit in the church get a chance to judge
the candidates.

Not wanting to upset Rev Deqani, I wish he would not chair these hustings
many people locally point out his lack of impartiality. He is a close
friend of Sir Alan Duncan who I am constantly told is a God parent of Rev Deqani

I was told last week by a resident the church pew sheet originally listed
the event showing a lack of impartiality originally inviting people to
meet and question the parliamentary candidates and Sir Alan Duncan.
recent publications don't mention names.

Other Election Updates

The UKIP candidate has been out and about personally
canvassing throughout Rutland.

The Conservative Candidate has been out many miles away supporting other
Conservative Candidates.

Alan Duncan with  Itrat Ali, Conservative candidate for Huddersfield.

Alan Duncan with Bradford W candidate George Grant at local firm Pennine Cycles. Peddling to beat the absentee George Galloway!