Showing posts with label Involved 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Involved 2013. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Streetvibe, SYPS, Involved 2013, Rutland

Lions Club of Rutland, Involved 2013, Cutts Close, Oakham, Rutland


Lions Club of Rutland worked very hard to provide refreshments
today in temperatures above 30 c

Many of the volunteer worked from 9.00am through to 6.00pm

The Hamburgers taste much better than McDonalds.


Rutland Lions 

Packing away.

More Photographs of Involved Event Click Here

ImageSkool Urban Aerosol Art, Involved 2013, Cutts Close, Oakham, Rutland



Other involved event photographs Click Here



Involved 2013, Cutts Close, Oakham, Photographs, Leicestershire Police Tag Rugby, Rutland Youth Dance, Spire Homes, Rutland County Council, Rutland Radio

Involved 2013, Cutts Close, Oakham, Photographs, Leicestershire Police Tag Rugby, Rutland Youth Dance, Spire Homes, Rutland County Council, Rutland Radio

Youth Event

The event is still on till 6.00pm today.

VF-4 Car (Ford)

Studio 17 Photos

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service unveil their most advanced weapon to combat road deaths caused by young drivers – the VF4

Trish Ruddle High Sheriff Of Rutland, A lucky escape for her this year. Two years ago the then
High Sheriff Peter Lawson had to try out the Bucking Bronco, there was not one this year.

Youth Worker taking part in Leicestershire Police's Tag Rugby

Streetvibe Young Peoples Services 

New College Stamford

Rutland Radio

Lions Club of Rutland working hard providing free food and drink to the young people


Rutland Cycling

Rutland Radio Rob Persani

PCSO Diane Freeman,

PC Laurie Appleton also a Oakham Rugby Club team member

PC Joe Lloyd getting ready for a game of tag rugby

Police Tag Rug is a new police project that is going into Leicestershire and Rutland Schools

Leicestershire Police Refreshment Time,  it's the real thing or is it ladies from the Special Constabulary