Showing posts with label May Bank Holiday Monday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label May Bank Holiday Monday. Show all posts

Monday, May 02, 2011

Tesco Oakham, Rutland, May Bank Holiday Monday, Opening hours and other tourist attractions

Tesco Oakham is open today until 6pm.

Tesco is likely to the biggest reason to visit the market town of Oakham.

Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council both suggest the way forward for Oakham is tourism.
If this is the case, Why are all the tourist attractions closed Sunday and Monday?
along with the tourist information centre.

Spending Cuts by Rutland County Council is the reason why.

Spend to accumulate...

I have often asked why public events are not organised for bank holiday weekends, the reply is because no one is here. (what they mean is most councillor leave the town so it does not concern them) I have suggested in the past and do so again, a small group of people organise events to suit themselves and not the wider community, so they boost their ego, by appearing in the local rags. Local volunteers don't need the so called dignatories  to be in town to hold an event. Local traders are often disappointed by the increased effort put into attracting people to Rutland Water. One said last week it takes my trade away.

Oakham Town Council is likely to reply there is a fun fair in Cutts Close, this gets smaller each year, this year there is one large ride and a few small ones.

Below is post from February after I met a group disappointed tourists on a Monday in February. I expect there will be quite a few about today. We are lucky to have visitors all year around. Of courrse numbers may drop in the winter and spring.

Last year Oakham Town Council only spent a small amount of its tourism budget promoting the town.
This year it is hoped the council will set up a tourism working group.

If you are visiting, I can recommend eating at the Hornblower, Oakham High Street.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Northamptonshire Visitors to Oakham Rutland, were disappointed

Northamptonshire Visitors to Oakham Rutland, were disappointed to find things closed due to Rutland County Council Cuts

After a trek from the Castle they found the Museum is also Closed on Monday's

I advised them Wednesday is a good day to visit as everything is open and its Market Day.

If the Council is going to close these places on Monday to save cash, could they consider turning of the outside lights during the day! The saving could pay for the part time librarian they asking the Town Council to fund.

Disappointed Northamptonshire Tourists outside Rutland County Museum