Showing posts with label Mr Peter Jones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mr Peter Jones. Show all posts

Friday, November 05, 2021

Ms Genevieve Margrett, Rutland Kino, Cinema, Victoria Hall, 39A High Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AH Planning and Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 2nd November, 2021 6.00 pm Video Public Deputations From Mr Paul Beech, Mr Peter Jones, Mr Robinson

Ms Genevieve Margrett, Rutland Kino, Cinema, Victoria Hall, 39A High Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AH Planning and Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 2nd November, 2021 6.00 pm Video 



2021/0855/FUL Ms Genevieve Margrett, Rutland Kino, Victoria Hall, 39A High Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AH, The refurbishment and conversion of the Victoria Hall to a 2 Screen digitally equipped cinema with a cafe bar, foyers, multi-use `lounge' and ancillary facilities. 

2021/0856/LBA Ms Genevieve Margrett, Rutland Kino, Victoria Hall, 39A High Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6AH, The refurbishment and conversion of the Victoria Hall to a 2 Screen digitally equipped cinema with a cafe bar, foyers, multi-use `lounge' and ancillary facilities.

I do hope Rutland County Council recruits a full time conservation officer to ensure this building is cared for.

I would also like to see a full compliment of Trustees appointed in accordance with the deed requirements.

I also question why when a person is appointed Trustee they are not required to sign the legal Trustee documents?

I would also like to see all those who have been Trustees for over the legal five year period step down. Possible before the Charity Commission take appropriate action. A member of the public told me at the meeting they have raised these concerns with the charity commission.

I also question why, when the chair of Trustees was questioned by a Rutland County Councillor, they responded with misinformation. 

The trustees can not shut down the hall and let the charity commission sell it, any of those actions would go against their legal obligations as Trustees of Victoria Hall. Perhaps anyone who is a Trustee and feels that is the option if the cinema project fails they should step down, clearly they have little understanding of the role responsibilities of a trustee.

The hall Trustees have a big problem ahead, the local paper last night reports the cinema might open at the end of next year, 2022. I wonder what provision they have put in place to safe guard the hall for 2022, clearly not enough when you hear they have only issued rental agreements below market value, all due to end on the 31st December 2021. It also became clear they have not yet agreed the sum of money the proposed new 25 year lease holders will pay into a fund to put things right if the business fails. They need to agree that, because I am sure the Trustees could not afford their legal responsibility to put it right. When the Chair of Trustees was asked has the new lease been signed he did not answer. I would suggest that is a no. Especially as Kino have still not reached there investment target. 

The word due diligence were used a few times by the Chairman of the trustees. I wonder if the few trustees understand the meaning of that? because if you cut of all you income from the 31st December 2021 without any guarantee the cinema project will go ahead, that does not seem to me they have use any due diligence to me. 

Lets hope it all goes well and Kino do a good job setting up and have enough money to sell over 1000 tickets a week and pay the rent, staff and all the other costs going forward.