Showing posts with label Mrs Fillingham MBE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mrs Fillingham MBE. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mrs Fillingham MBE, Conservative, Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council, Harassment

Mrs Fillingham  Conservative Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council Harassment.

For complaining about a drunk ex councillor, I am constantly harassed by her friends.

Now I am told my response to her friends blaming me for her illness is offensive.

I will never understand why they don't see their behaviour is far more offensive to my friends and family. Than anything I have said or will say about them.

It has been acknowledged, I am reactive and I have been told I should rise above them but after 2 years it almost impossible and I strongly believe they should be held accountable for there actions. Of course this unlikely to happen while both councils and local police support them.

Mrs Fillingham the respectable local Tory Lady, MBE?

Its public record her husband divorced her for unreasonable behaviour.
From that alone you can make up your own minds about the type of woman she is.

It is a fact the co-op wine and vodka has calmed her, but this does cause embarrassment to the other Conservative woman  at the Curry nights, when she has to be carried out by the owner.

Her friend ex Mayor Paul Beech according to his own facebook entries suffers from the same lifestyle issues.

It appears all her friends live for the bottle, beer or cider.

I imagine when they read this they will be begging Inspector Monks to deal with me once more.

I can assure you there are no lies in this post.

They won't like what they see but they have no regard for my feelings when conducting their activities.