Showing posts with label Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe denies any involvement in my exclusion from the council office email. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe denies any involvement in my exclusion from the council office email. Show all posts

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe denies any involvement in my exclusion from the council office email

Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe denies any involvement in my exclusion from the council
office. An odd statement from the Chairman of the council, Who was in the office for some of the
time I was ringing the door bell and calling the phone.

Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2016 at 9:52 PM
From: "Adam Lowe"
To: "Martin Brookes"
Subject: Recent events


Today at the Office, I popped in to chat to Malcolm, your actions were not helpful for anyone today.

To clarify, I have not asked or instructed the Officers to not take your calls or answer the door to you.

Perhaps now you can understand why I suggested you did not visit or call, it was to prevent an escalation, your original  actions in recording Allison, you have betrayed her trust in you and what ever reason you did it for there is no excuse, it is why other people do not talk to you, they just do to want to be recorded or photographed and then be blogged.

The Officers have a job to do and as Malcolm has pointed out your repeated attendance and disregard for their work load has meant they are unable to get that work done.

The agenda collection, even I was unaware that Cllrs could not collect, this has been verified by Jake at Anstey.

The investigation into Allison's and Malcolm's complaints are about complete and after taking advice from Malcolm who is Allison's line manager he will let you know the outcome in the next week, Allison has refused to allow her letter to be released and as this is a HR issue I have to respect her wishes.

I will be asking Debbie if she will meet with the Council as you suggested.

Adam Lowe

So it appears a person I and other Councillors employ as a temp for three months with the possibility of another three months is a demented control freak, who can't type letters correctly and feels he has the authority to have holes drilled in council property as when he pleases so he can pick
and chose who he permits access to our office.

I have met Malcolm Plumb three times and wish I had never met the idiot. (that's probably
a breach of the code of conduct) Richard White never showed me the lack of respect this old
git shows me.

Two visits to the office and one encounter at a meeting is described as repeated attendance.

I don't even think that horrible Chief Executive at Rutland County Council would find that
excessive or her rottweiler Baker and puppy Moggy.

If Malcolm could tell the truth as he does to me on the phone, he would be saying he does
not like me telling people the last parish council he worked at, could be considered worse than
Oakham Town Council.

Next week we will be asked to vote to make him our proper officer, I won't vote for him.
We have just appointed Allison Greaves and given her a large pay increase and back pay.
Are we going to have to pay twice for at least the next four months.

Last months wages bill was disgusting, totally nearly £7500. I would not mind if
the public were actually getting a service for the money they pay.

Allison wrote to me and said I would see her letter, I guess like the original unprofessional email she
sent Adam which he copied to me, it also contains unprofessional comments.

Her response was unprofessional and I chose to publish this video recording of her because
she tells the truth the council is dysfunctional.

I am very disappointed with Allison's reaction, I have often supported her, she often told me how fed up she was working with Richard White and his constant pattern of absence that would not be tolerated anywhere else, Last year I got members to agree an extra payment when Richard was again and asked for the same this year I was not expecting it to be as large as she received and now regret voting to approve it. I shall miss her two faced little gossips. in her email she read we should draw a line and move on.

Oakham Town Council has the straightest ruler in the country if not the world.