Showing posts with label Oakham Town Partnership Not Understand About Its Constitution?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Partnership Not Understand About Its Constitution?. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Oakham Town Partnership What do they Not Understand About Its Constitution?

Oakham Town Council appointed three representatives to the Town Partnership
I was grateful to the council for appointing me.

Sadly five members of the partnership don't agree with my appointment
and after disagreement among other members they partnership decided
to hold some sort of farcical interview of the town Councillors.

The partnership constitution does not permit this.

This morning the chairman of the partnership told me I would not be
accepted onto the partnership something which they cant do. She said
if I was to join the partnership then five members would resign and the
partnership would collapse an strange comment to make and suggests
the majority remaining members are not competent to take on the
running of the partnership.

CONSTITUTION As agreed at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Board held on March 5 th 2012 in the Oakham Town Council offices, Victoria Hall, Oakham

Partnership Name The name of the Town Partnership (Board) shall be Oakham Town Partnership Legal Status The organisation shall be a Company Limited by Guarantee unless otherwise determined by the Board.

Aim Oakham Town Partnership shall protect and promote the interests of Oakham Town helping to sustain its vitality and economic viability and ensuring it remains an attractive place to live, work and play.

Membership 1. The Partnership will comprise a Management Board of 16 appointed Members as follows:-

 4 members appointed by the Board from nominations from the business community 
 4 members appointed by the Board from nominations of community representatives, at least one of which shall be from the youth sector. 
 2 members appointed by the Board from nominations from the voluntary sector 
 3 elected members of Rutland County Council. 
 3 elected members of Oakham Town Council. 
 1 officer representing Rutland County Council with no voting rights 
 1 officer representing Oakham Town Council with no voting 

2. The Board shall, each year, elect from among their number four officers namely a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary who will also become directors of the Oakham Town
partnership. All Board members shall be eligible to vote at Board meetings with the
exception of officers representing Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council. Board
members will serve for a term of three years. Such members may be reappointed, subject to
their being nominated within a relevant category of membership, at an Annual General
Meeting (AGM) of the Board to be held in September of each year. No person shall be
appointed to the Board unless he or she is approved by a majority of those eligible to vote at
the relevant meeting of the Board, with the exception of elected member representatives of
Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council who shall be authority nominees


The constitution has been revised since this online version but section two has not