Showing posts with label Oakham. Oakham Town Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham. Oakham Town Council. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Oakham Town Council Complaints

Oakham Town Council Council Complaints further information received.

Cllr Dewis has complained about me.

The committee suggests I may have breached the following code of conduct.

Treating others with respect - paragraph 3(1)

It would be good if Cllr Dewis  showed me the slightest amount of respect.

His harrasment and assault is not showing me any respect.

Mr Kelly ex Cllr Complains about my blog entry regarding his behaviour at council meetings.

The committee suggests

I may have breached the following code of coduct

Treating others with respect - paragraph 3(1)
Bullying any person - paragraph 3(2)(B)

No wonder the press dont cover council meetings if you can be accused of bullying for exposing one.

Lastly one of my old friends Doris Cook a street warden employed by Melton Borough Council who joined in all the fun on the Rutland Chat Forum suggesting people are only alive because it illegal to kill them and then asked her husband to send a threat to me via his face book accout.

The Committee

Suggests I could be in breach of the following code of conduct.

Treating others with respect - paragraph 3(1)
Disclosing confidential information -paragraph 4(a)
Bringing the office or authority into disrepute - paragraphs 5
Using the position as a member improperly to confer an advantage or disadvantage - paragraph 6(a)

That is quite a lot, I hope standards for England will investigate and find the common link to all five complaints.

Oakham Town Council past and present.
The Rutland Chat Forum

All the complainants are bullies and know each other.

Despite my repeated request Melton Borough Council have never followed up my complaints regarding Doris Cook.

Since when is it breach for me to publish letter recieved relating to my personal complaint to her employer.
I suggest Mrs Cook the respected Mrs Cook does not want peole to know the other Mrs Cook who partakes in online hate campains and suppport her friends bullying

Cllr Alf Dewis
ex Cll;r Alen Kelly
Cllr Charles Haworth
Ex Cllr Jim Harrison
Ex Cllr Paul Beech
Robin King
Mr Tyers
Cllr Lovell
Tim Hunphreys son of ex Cllr who hosted the forum

Town Clerk Richard White who tried to assist me.

All because I complained over a year ago about the drunk friend Cllr Jan Fillingham
I would not normaly refer to a fellow cllr as a drunk but in this case it is true and erserved.
Harassing a old person late at night drunk over the phone

and then telling me I deserve all I get for exposing her behaviour.

She and her family and friends all think they are above the law.

Her MBE should be returned