Showing posts with label Parking Policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parking Policy. Show all posts

Monday, July 08, 2013

Rutland County Council, Parking Policy, Willow Crescent, Oakham, Money wasted on letters

Last week Rutland County Council wasted hundreds of pounds
writing to residents of Willow Crescent after the bus company
complained about inconsiderate parking, blaming residents.

Rutland County Council should be speaking to their own staff.
Of course none of the staff are breaking the law by parking
in residential streets.

The three cars shown above all belong to council staff.

The staff say they can not afford to pay to park.

Clearly they are not earning £90,000 a year like the
assistant chief executive Carol Chambers.

The County Councils ridiculous parking policy that
falsely makes them to appear green is causing
some very serious issues on Oakham's  Roads

Council Staff are not permitted to use the council car park
if they don't car share.

This stupid policy does not stretch to senior staff or Councillors.